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Voice: you went to dc after Japanese authorities helped you get back to Australia where you reunited with your father and sister.
After some recovery time you were called by the president for a meeting.

Bluey: little did I know what was in store for me...

*in dc*

Bluey got into a limousine where she met senator Johnson (fictional),bandit and bingo. And a new person. Who worked for the cia. Their name was max (yes that max from adult Bluey still a different universe though)

Senator: ms heeler.

Bluey: it's an honor to meet you senator.

Bingo: what are we gonna do about bns...

Senator: you see this redacted person turned out to be the real bns. The bns you fought in Canberra was a double created by him with similar abilities. He is believed to be operating on a secluded island somewhere in the Atlantic... intel suggests he wants to create and even bigger army of waifus and lewd Chili's and bandits. And even more dildoplex's.

Bandit: why was Bluey assigned a cia handler.

Senator: 2 reasons mi6 doesn't have the resources for this mission and the second is classified.

Bingo: ok?

The driver signaled the military police to escort them the pentagon.

Voice: you were gonna discuss bignastyshrek's ultimate plan to "end the cycle"

Bluey: I felt like everyone was watching me...

They then made it to the room where the president sat.

President: have a seat my friends...

He pulled out a file that had pictures of the real bignastyshrek

President: bns...

Bluey grabbed the pistol off the table and aimed it at the president

But then Bluey snapped back into reality.

President: we're in grave danger from the waifu's our freedom. Our very way of life is at risk. I'm told you are the very best we have.
your team gathered multiple pieces of intel and multiple dossiers. Their is constant mention of a multiversal cycle. We have pin pointed where more could be gathered to decode this "cycle"

Bluey: I understand sir. We'll get it done.

*i room*

Voice: you were gonna go on your first mission to gather more info. From a rocket launch site. They were gonna send the rocket through a dimensional rift...

Bluey: they were experimenting with powers beyond any dog or normal human could comprehend...

To be continued

Call of Bluey bark ops Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz