Hell spares the innocent

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Warning: disturbing scenes and subject matter.

Voice: you were headed back towards North Korea. There was still fierce fighting between the south and north. And the Kim dynasty would not let up. You were gonna meet with a cia contact that has vital info crucial to stopping bns...

Bluey: rusty....

*in a small town near Pyongyang*

Bandit and the girls hid in a bush with binoculars. Nk soldiers were threatening civilians With bayonets if they didn't build defenses. The contact and the intel was being held there...

Bluey made a hand signal and a coordinated sniper squad shot all the threatening soldiers at once. The civilians scattered. Bluey then Signaled the rest of the nato forces to descend on the town.

They fought their way to one of the crudely built gates and set a charge


The soldiers began to storm the city making sure civilians were evacuated by South Korean forces.

Bluey: keep pushing! They searched multiple homes.

Then They found one that seemed to have nobody in it. They breached and the sight before them was disturbing.

A family... all riddled with bullet holes. A mom a dad. And one little girl. She had to be about 6.

Bluey,bandit and bingo gasped in horror.

Bluey stumbled out of the house and vomited.

Bingo and bandit ventured further into the home.

Bingo: my god...

Bandit: who would do this.

Bandit got on his radio

Bandit: medical units be advised we have multiple civilian bodies at my location. 2 deceased adults and 1 deceased child.

Bingo heard a noise from a near by room

She raised her rifle and breached the room. And what she saw was horrific. The room was collapsed. And in the middle a baby who had to be about 2 years old sat there shaking. Covered in blood and debris

Bingo lowered her weapon and slowly approached the baby. And picked him up carefully and exiting the room. She rubbed his head

Bandit saw the baby

Bandit: oh my god.

Bingo sat the baby on the ground carefully and pulled out her cantine and gave the child water.
Bingo pulled out some medical equipment and began to carefully treat the child's wounds.
The baby cried and winced.

Bingo: sh sh it's ok sweetheart.

Bandit: one survivor located. A child. Approximately 2 years old...

Bandit began to cry. He couldn't believe it. This had to end.

Bandit: enough is enough...

A medical team came in and took the bodies and the baby somewhere safe.

They eventually cleared the town and it was time to extract the contact.

Bluey: what happened in there?

Bingo: piece of crap nk's killed a whole family and hurt a little baby.

Bluey: pieces of worthless scum.. let's extract this guy so we can end this.

They entered what looked like the town hall and killed what remained of the North Korean soldiers...

There was only one room left they busted it down and were greeted by a North Korean soldier but someone slit his throat from behind.

It was rusty...

Bluey: rusty?

Rusty: bluey.

Bandit: say again?

Rusty handed bluey the documents

Bandit: ok we got the documents.

Bingo: let's get the hell out of here.

They then secured the town and headed towards Washington to deliver the intel and study it. But something was off. When bluey was around rusty on missions she began to hear moans in her head again. And numbers. They seemed to be instructions. For something...


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