Bath Bomb

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    Kirishima had gotten the grenade shaped bath bomb as a joke. He'd spotted it on a shelf at a store in the mall and the first thing he thought of was a bathtub explosion, and explosions made him think of Bakugo. He was almost positive Bakugo would have no interest whatsoever in a bath bomb, and he had no idea if Bakugo even took baths, but it was too funny to pass up.
    When he handed it to the blonde, Bakugo raised an eyebrow and growled, "What the hell is this?"
    Kirishima faltered a bit in his reply, "Uh it's a joke mostly. It just made me think of you."
    He laughed and tried not to regret buying the bath bomb as Bakugo eyed it as though it were a real grenade about to go off. Kirishima felt self conscious as the other boy turned the compacted cleanser around. Seeing Bakugo glaring at the bath bomb was both hilarious and adorable.
    Bakugo had a tendency to jut his lower jaw to the side when in thought. He probably thought it made him look tough, but more often than not it gave him a pouty look, like a petulant child, which wasn't too far off from his personality as a whole. Kirishima thought it was cute.
    Bakugo's hesitation with the bath bomb made Kirishima wonder if he should have just ignored the pastel colored grenade entirely. He gingerly reached out and took it back, noting the side eye Bakugo gave him.
    "Sorry. It's dumb. I'll give it to Mina or someth-"
    He was cut off by Bakugo snatching the bath bomb back snarling, "I never said I didn't want it."
    Bakugo huffed past a stunned Kirishima, muttering, "Don't give stuff to people and then try to take it back, you jerk."
    Kirishima tried to hide his smile as he watched Bakugo angrily stomp off towards the bathroom.
    By the end of the night, Kirishima had almost forgotten about the bath bomb entirely. A couple of the other students from 1-A had wanted to watch a few hours of mindless television, so Kirishima had joined them. Some sort of nature channel was currently playing, cutting between fish swimming lazily in the ocean, and a pod of dolphins traveling somewhere.
    Kirishima had stopped paying attention a while ago. He was messing around on his phone when he heard a door slam open and the familiar footfalls of a certain student.
    "OI! Heads up, Jaws!"   
    Kirishima barley had time to look up before something bounced off his face and into his lap.
    "You didn't tell me there was shit inside of it," Bakugo said, stuffing his hands into his pockets moodily.
    It was obvious he had just been in the bath, or a shower at least. He had a towel thrown over his shoulders, and his hair was still damp. There were droplets of water that clung to his collarbones. It almost looked as though he had just thrown clothes on and stormed out to find Kirishima and assault him with the small object that was sitting between his legs on the couch.
    He picked it up. It appeared to be a ring of sorts, although obviously a costume one. The material was cheap and Kirishima knew he could crush it easily if he wanted to. It was gold with a square cut, red jewel embedded in the middle.
    Bakugo's voice rumbled from the other side of the room, "You can keep it since it matches your stupid hair."
    Kirishima didn't have time to reply as Bakugo stormed off. Kaminari suddenly resurrected from the ground where he had fallen asleep halfway through a documentary about gazelles. He peered at the ring, which Kirishima was holding delicately between his fingers, still unsure what to do.
    Kaminari narrowed his eyes and looked from the ring to Kirishima several times before blurting out, "Did you get proposed to?"
    Kirishima felt a blush rise in his cheeks and he coughed awkwardly as Sero almost fell off the couch laughing, "Oh my god! Proposed to??! I'm glad Bakugo left or we'd probably have to get a new sofa from the fireball he'd had thrown at you."
    Kaminari looked even more confused. "Wait Bakugo proposed to Kirishima? How long was I asleep for?"
    Kirishima cleared his throat and clarified, "Nobody proposed. I just got Bakugo a bath bomb as a joke and I guess this was in it?"
    He brought the ring up and Sero wheezed, "A bath bomb!! And he freakin' used it!"
    The force of his laughter knocked him off the couch and onto Kaminari who was clearly still trying to process everything. Mina tutted from her spot at a couch across the way. She got up and padded over to Kirishima, inspecting the ring.
    "I've had a couple bath bombs with little rings inside them," she commented, "This one's cute! I'll take it if you don't want it."
    "Oh, uh, yeah," Kirishima muttered, "Yeah, you can have it."
    Mina plucked the ring from his fingers and Kirishima found himself suddenly wishing he'd kept it. Even if it was just to toss it out with the garbage later. The fact that Bakugo had not only found the ring in the tub, but gone to the effort of bringing it to him was making his heart feel like someone was squeezing it.
    But it was much better for Mina to have it. Why would he have any use for a ring? It's not like Bakugo had meant anything by giving it to him. It was just a part of the joke of the bath bomb. Guys didn't go giving each other jewelry like that. It wasn't manly and Bakugo was his friend. Just a friend.
    The thought made Kirishima's face droop and he tried to regain his composure as he excused himself from the room. Sero was still chucking to himself while Kaminari asked him again what he'd missed. Kirishima tried to ignore the pang in his chest as he watched Mina put the ring on her finger as he went to the stairwell.
The next day was typical. Breakfast, classes, five minutes of waiting to see if Aizawa Sensi was actually asleep, five minutes of a pop quiz after someone had flicked a wadded up piece of paper toward the front. Then more classes, and lunch, which was where class 1-A was currently.
The food was good, as always. Kirishima was in the midst of scarfing down some rice when the sound of a tray being slammed down made him look up. Mina plopped down across from him, muttering under her breath. Her bubblegum pink cheeks were singed slightly and Kirishima noticed a strand of her hair smoking by her left horn.
    "You okay?" Jirou asked.
    Mina patted the smoke coming off her hair and said angrily, "That hot head tried to blow me up over that stupid ring."
    Kirishima choked on the rice in his mouth. A boot suddenly slammed on the seat next to him, making the table shake. All eyes darted up to Bakugo, who was practically simmering with anger.
    Bakugo's fist was clenched and he slammed it on the table next to Kirishima's lunch tray which jumped along with him. Bakugo was clearly fuming and it was also clear who his anger was directed to. Kirishima knew there was a piece of rice falling from his mouth as he gaped at Bakugo, but he had never seen him angry like this before.
    Bakugo was constantly angry, so that aspect was nothing new. What was different was the pink tinge in his cheeks and the slight waver in his voice as he spoke.
    "You're a real shit head. I outta blast that stupid look off your stupid face!"
    Bakugo's clenched fist made a crackling, popping noise and then out of nowhere a rigid hand appeared between Bakugo and Kirishima.
    Tenya's hand bounced up and down with each word he spoke as he yelled, "What. Is. The. Meaning. Of. This!"
    Bakugo's head whipped to the left to glare at him and Kirishima could see his jaw clench dangerously. He snapped his mouth shut and stood up, grabbing Bakugo's arm as he did so.
    "Sorry!" He announced, dragging Bakugo away, "Sorry! We'll, uh, we'll be right back!"
    It was a good thing Kirishima was strong as dragging Bakugo away from the potential fight he was ready to start was like dragging away the world's heaviest bag of potatoes. Although potatoes didn't usually spout curse words and gnash their teeth.
    Kirishima managed to get them into the closest restroom, which was thankful empty, before dropping Bakugo's arm saying, "Bro what the hell?!"
    Bakugo glared at him and Kirishima found himself subconsciously preparing for an explosive punch. Instead, Bakugo opened his clenched fist to reveal the ring. It was slightly melted from the heat of being in Bakugo's palm, but it was definitely the same ring, red gem and all.
    Bakugo's voice cracked a bit as he spat out, "Why'd you give this to raccoon eyes?"
    He suddenly thrust the ring into Kirishima's hand. Kirishima took it, his brow furrowed in confusion. He was trying to piece things together. Had Bakugo actually wanted him to have the ring? Or was this just another joke between them, that Kirishima simply wasn't in on yet.
    Kirishima swallowed and moved a hand to rub at the back of his neck anxiously as he said, "I'm confused."
    The other boy's expression softened all of a sudden and that rosy color tinged his cheeks once more as he said, "The grenade bath thingy was cool. So thanks, or whatever."
    His tone changed to bitter and then almost hurt. "I wanted you to keep that dumb ring though. Why'd you give it to Mina?
    "She said she would take it if I didn't want it," Kirishima spouted off, still reeling from how different Bakugo was acting.
    It was obvious that the explosive teen was irked, but also nervous. His brow was furrowed like usual, but he was chewing on his bottom lip absentmindedly. For a guy who was normally so worked up it was hard to even stand beside him, this was the opposite. Kirishima could barely hear Bakugo's next words, muttered under his breath.
    "I wanted to give it to you, not Mina."
    Bakugo groaned and rolled his eyes. "Jeeze it really is empty under that dumb hair of yours."
    Then he did something that nearly made Kirishima stumble back into the urinal behind him. Bakugo closed the distance between them, grabbed Kirishima by his tie and pressed their lips together. It was a chaste kiss, fleeting at best, but it made the floor feel like it was being yanked out from under Kirishima's feet.
    He could only stare at Bakugo's spiky hair when the blonde pulled back, looking sheepishly at his feet, obviously avoiding eye contact. The hand holding onto Kirishima's tie let go and was quickly put out of sight into the baggy pants Bakugo had on. It was almost as though he were trying to suddenly shrink away from the red head, whether from embarrassment or something else.
    The gears in Kirishima's head had finally clicked into place and he found himself grabbing Bakugo by the shoulders before he even realized he was moving. He didn't really have any experience with romance or kissing or things like that, but he wanted to kiss Bakugo again, so he did.
    Bakugo's shoulders tensed under Kirishima's grip as their lips met again in a sloppy, forceful kiss, which was more Kirishima ramming their mouths together than anything else.
    In doing so he must have snagged Bakugo's bottom lip with his teeth as the other boy pulled back with a "Hey! You idiot. What the fuck are you - mph!"
    Kirishima stopped the words from coming out of Bakugo's mouth by kissing him again, more gently this time. Bakugo tensed once more and Kirishima was suddenly worried that the bathroom might explode. Instead he felt Bakugo's arms drape over his shoulders, fingers digging into the hair at the base of Kirishima's scalp as the other boy dragged him closer.
    It was such a strange feeling. Bakugo's lips were softer than Kirishima would have thought them to be. Or maybe it was because he felt like his body and mind were ceasing all function in an attempt to even make sense of the situation. He was in the bathroom, kissing Bakugo. Katsuki Bakugo. Explosion boy. His classmate and best friend who was panting into his mouth as though they'd just finished a brutal practical exam.
    When they finally pulled apart, Kirishima felt like the whole world was spinning. Bakugo's face was flushed, his chest heaving with the force of the breath he was trying to regain after having Kirishima take it away. Or was it the other way around? Kirishima also found himself breathless.
    Bakugo's lips were red, slightly swollen and glistening with spit. The sight made Kirishima's stomach drop and he wanted to cover those lips with his own again so that no one else would see the way that Bakugo opened his mouth for him so eagerly. It was like every moment had built up to this.
    Every late night study session. Every sleepover where Kirishima would wake up with Bakugo snoring loudly while draped on top of him. Every battle. Every brush of an arm as they would walk down the hallway together. Each time Kirishima would drape an arm over Bakugo's shoulders just because he knew he was the only one who could. And the strong grip of their hands, clasped together after they blasted out toward freedom.
Kirishima pulled away, lest things escalate even more in the bathroom in the middle of lunch. They were both already red and breathing heavily. Kirishima noticed a thin trickle of blood winding down from the side of Bakugo's mouth.
    He pointed to it and stuttered, "I'm sorry. My bad. I just didn't, uh, well...."
    He trailed off and Bakugo wiped the blood with the back of his hand as though it were nothing. His eyes were soft and he looked relaxed and almost happy. The sight made Kirishima's heart leap in his chest. Bakugo cracked a sly smile.
    "I thought my bad was supposed to be my line."
    He surprised Kirishima by closing the distance one last time. Kirishima closed his eyes in anticipation of what he thought would be another tender kiss, but instead he got Bakugo's fist colliding with the right side of his face in a punch that was restrained but still a punch.
    Kirishima rubbed at his cheek. "Dude what the hell!"
    "That's for giving that fuckin' ring away," Bakugo quipped.
    "Alright, alright I get it," Kirishima groaned, testing to see if there was blood on his own lip.
    His fingers came away clean and he noticed the ring was no longer in his hand. In a moment of panic he looked around on the bathroom floor. But then Bakugo's hand was under his chin, bringing it up so he could pull the other boy's bottom lip down slightly before kissing him again. Kirishima felt something clank on his teeth as Bakugo snaked his tongue into his mouth.
    At some point Bakugo must have taken the ring back, now slipping it to Kirishima via his tongue. Whether because it was an arousing gesture, or strange, or just the final culmination of everything, Kirishima's brain short circuited like his electric friend's so often did. Both he and Bakugo could hear him accidentally swallow the ring in a panic.
    Bakugo pulled back and the expression on his face was a classic Bakugo glare as he said, "You're a fucking idiot."
    The walk back to the lunchroom was awkward. Kirishima apologized profusely for swallowing the ring. Bakugo waved it off, saying they would talk about things later in his dorm room. The thought made Kirishima excited and also slightly terrified, but he was still on cloud nine after having feelings returned that he himself hadn't even fully admitted. It felt he could almost rise off the floor just like Uraraka.
    Tenya was busy addressing a new issue on the other side of the cafeteria, so it was just Sero, Mina, Kaminari and Jirou at the table. All of them greeted their fellow students with confused and slightly intrigued expressions. Bakugo plopped down on the seat next to Kirishima and glared at Mina who ignored him.
    "So what happened? You guys were in there for a while." Sero commented, propping his elbows on the table.
    For some reason Kirishima assumed he was talking about the situation with the ring since that was what had started this whole mess, so he said casually, "I swallowed it by accident."
    Jirou's milk suddenly snorted from her nose and Mina's face seemed to turn a whitish pink, while Sero and Kaminari's mouths both dropped open in perfect sync. Kirishima stared at them for a second and then he realized what object, or rather what vicious substance, the minds of teenagers would formulate to swallow after two people headed off into the bathroom for a while. Especially when said persons both still had traces of blush in their cheeks.
    Kirishima knew his cheeks must be as red as his own hair as he turned to Bakugo in a desperate attempt to field the embarrassing question toward him. He found Bakugo with a vein starting to bulge in his temple and his fists clenched. He could feel the stares from his classmates and his blush spreading even more.
    But then a miracle happened in the form of Midoriya somehow managing to put too much force into tossing his tray into the bin and sending it reeling backwards.
    The bin skidded into Mineta, who was sent across the cafeteria into Todoroki who, in a split second reflex, somehow punted him upwards so high the boy ended up sticking to the ceiling by the bulbous, sticky blobs atop his head. Then, for a grand finale, the small boy detached and dropped into the arms of Midoriya bridal style, which sent the entire cafeteria into an uproar. Even class 1-B were laughing and wiping tears from their eyes as Midoriya frantically apologized.
    The awkward question left hanging between Bakugo and Kirishima seemed to be forgotten entirely as the entire table erupted into laughter, including Bakugo. He was slapping his knees, doubled over, entirely slayed by the visual of Midoriya carrying the grape boy like blushing bride.
    However, between the chaos and the laughs, Kirishima felt a hand grip his under the table suddenly. He glanced down to see Bakugo's fingers intertwining with his own. It made him feel warm all over. Kirishima returned the reassuring squeeze that Bakugo gave him before joining in with the smiles of their fellow students.
A/N: hope y'all enjoyed! I may be willing to expand to some smut if there is interest....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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