Chapter 35

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I have a vice grip on my bag when I go into work on the Monday the following week. I've laid low for the entire weekend and for all I haven't been up to speaking much, I know that everyone I've been in the company of has my best interests at heart.

Andrea made a promise to me that she'd keep Chris away from me while at work, and said that if he asked where I'm staying, she'd tell him a lie and make him go running about the whole of London looking for me.

She really is a good assistant.

"You have a morning meeting with Parker at half nine," Andrea starts explaining as she follows me into my office. "There is also an afternoon lunch meeting with Lorraine at-"

"Cancel the lunch meeting and move it to here," I butt in and instruct. I place my bag on the floor by my desk and grip the back of my chair with both hands.

"If that's what you want," Andrea mutters. She stays quiet for a few minutes before clearing her throat to go on. "There's an afternoon viewing-"

"Go in my place. Take pictures, write a few things down, and then give them to me tonight."

"Abbey, I can't do that. This requires your actual attendance and if you don't go, we'll end up losing the contract."

"Then we lose the contract," I shrug.

"Abbey . . ."

My body sways back a little, causing my grip on the chair to tighten so it doesn’t go noticed. It's not worked, though. Andrea's spotted my sudden motion of unbalance and she's looking at me with worry. My eyes close and I swallow hard before opening them again."Is that all, Andrea?"

"For now," she says quietly.

"Good." I pull my chair back and sit down. "Send Parker in when he arrives."

Andrea nods and leaves quickly. She closes my office door over and I put my head in my hands. This is going to be a long day.

I'm halfway through my morning meeting and I'm trying to concentrate on Parker's speaking, but the smell of his strong cup of coffee is making me feel sick. It's sitting directly in front of me on my desk and I'm really trying to put to the back of my mind. It's just not happening.

"As we have discussed, the kitchen design will consist of the white high-gloss cabinets that we always use, and the wooden counter tops."

I nod with my hand pressed firmly over my mouth. "What will the cupboards and storage units be done in?"

"Depending on the colour of wood you'd like to put on the counter tops, we can easily do them to match. Either that, or we can make them white with a wooden boarder. It's your choice."

"I see," I mutter.

Parker relaxes back in his chair, picking up his cup of coffee as he goes, and just looks at me as I look down at the plans for the kitchen. The plans are for the Weybridge house and I don't even know if there's any point in continuing with the renovations for it. It's not as if I'll be moving in to it now.

I don't want Chris to come anywhere near me ever again, not after what I've found out about him. It makes my skin crawl to even think about what he's be up to while I've been out. I just can't believe he's turned out to be one of those guys. I thought he was better than that but I was clearly wrong.

"Is this the design that's to be signed off?" I ask, removing my hand completely from my mouth and folding my arms over so they rest on the desk.

"That's what Chris said we've to do," Parker answers.

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