Kiribaku - Bittersweet

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One thing was being replayed over and over in Kirishima's head. It was a a constant reminder that Bakugo will never be with him. That someone like Kirishima would never be noticed by Bakugo.

It hurt.


Kaminari was the person to lead the entire group. Of course he couldn't of done it like anyone else would've of. Instead- he skipped up and down the sidewalk singing Baby shark. When anyone asked him to stop, he would always give the same excuse

"Kirishima just came back. What- you expect me to not sing baby shark when the man is the literal daddy shark-??"

-Even after all these years he was still the same lovable dumbass. 

Mimi was up him singing and laughing as well. The girl had kindly offered Kirishima a chance to catch up with Bakugo. One that he humbly accepted. It was nice that Bakugo's partner wasn't a total douchebag. It means that he'll be in good hands. 

"Why'd you leave shitty hair."

Kirishima looked away from his original line of sight and focus his attention to the man next him.

He still couldn't get over how attractive Bakugo had gotten. His muscle build was stronger than it was back in high school and his waist wast tiny anymore either. There were so many times where Kirishima just wanted to straight up hug the boy in their high school days. He's always  imagined Bakugo being softer than he originated looked. 

Kirishima stopped walking and Bakugo followed suite. They gave a quick "we'll be right there" to the rest of the group and faced each other as the images of their friends were blurred by the distance. 

"Fucking answer me dipshit."

Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed as his mouth quivered. This fucker decided it'd be a good idea to just up and leave everyone without telling anybody. Does this idiot know how much he- they've missed him? 

Now the red head loser was back and he decided to just shut up about the reason he left? Fuck no. 

Kirishima was surprised at Bakugo, there were tears swelling up in his eyes, and he heard sniffles coming from the boy. He kept hiding his face away from Kirishima to prevent him from commenting how weak he was. Bakugo wasn't about to let this moron to see him like this.

It was only the fucking allergies. Nothing else. 

"I- Um- heh. Fatgum....Fatgum had a connection with a America, and since he considered me a good asset to.. um hero work.. he sent a recommendation to the him. and I was sent to al-ask-" sobs escape Kirishima's mouth. 

The pain of lying was unbearable to him. He didn't leave because of hero work. He left Bakugo. To escape the sting of watching Bakugo in a relationship. 

"I-m so.. so-rry" Tears flowed down and Kirishima didn't bother to worry about the consequences of hugging Bakugo.

He wrapped his arms around him and held tight. 

It was heartwarming that Bakugo hugged back with the same amount of ferocity. 

"P-promise me, won't fucking- leave me again."

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