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Everything hurt, his neck itches and he felt small bruises everywhere. He couldn't remember a thing. All he remembered were blank traces of what had happened last time he was conscious.

Jotaro tried to think back on the last thing that had happened, not really exiting his dazed state yet. He tried to remember the situation he was in, the things he remembered last, he had gone home from school, finding somebody passed out on the floor. He got kidnapped later.. That happened.

Then he remembered hearing Kakyoin's voice before he went unconscious.


He then remembered almost all of it, a small panic set in. Was he alright? Did he get hurt? He was fairly unsure of it. He tried to sit up, but then he realized he couldn't. Was he tied down..? He noticed he could move his arm, since apparently they were untied. He reached up, feeling some sort of band around his forehead "Star Plati-" Before he could finish an electric jolt ran through him, making him wince as well as making what he thought was going to be the manifestation of his stand, disappear..


He looked at the roof, what the hell was gonna happen to him? Was this the end? Now wasn't the time "Who the hell did this!? Is anyone there?!" He yelled out, trying to get something's attention. Yet the room went silent again.

Now would have been a good time to give up, but he wasn't about to lose hope this quickly, definitely not. So he decided to call out again, this time he tried a name of the last person to have seen him.

"Kakyoin are you here!?"

It once again went silent, before a voice spoke up "Yeah.. I heard you the first time. I just couldn't get up.. You sound close, where are you?" He asked, while Jotaro to say the least and was relieved to hear the voice of the red head. At least he wasn't alone, it wasn't that much better but he could do. "I'm just over here, I don't know where you are but I think i'm a few meters to the left." He responded.

"Well could you get these binds off of me?"

"No.. I'm bound down too.. Fuck."

That's when they both realized there was probably no escape, Jotaro didn't know if Kakyoin had tried to summon his stand yet. But if he did he'd probably get that same shock Jotaro did. Where did the shock even come from..? He'd worry about that later.

Jotaro opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by a ringing. A phone..? What the.. It wasn't on him for a fact, it was a bit too quiet for that to be the case "Kakyoin.. Can you check your pockets, for the ringing?" He asked, glaring at the ceiling

"Oh right.. Let me do that, apologies." He murmured, just loud enough to be heard before the sound of rustling with something was heard, eventually the ringing was stopped with a small click. Jotaro just assumed he answered it, not really paying much attention.

"Hello?! Why are you calling.. Who are you?! Help us, plea-"

"Beginning voiced guidance.." The phone spoke, somewhat scratchy, like an audio recording.

That caught Jotaro's attention, he listened in again, a bit curious to what the 'guidance' he decided to listen in, attempting to turn his head to see Kakyoin and the phone, but it didn't budge at all. So he just sighed under his breath and thought for a moment or two.

"The First Trial will begin. Jotaro Kujo, and Kakyoin Noriaki. Find the hidden key in this room. Then, remove your restraints."

First trial..? Hidden key..? What the hell was this?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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