Daminette- Persephone Hades AU Pt. 6

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"Lez see waz under the veil, yeh?" A drunk minor god tried to make a swipe for Marinette's veil but Damian quickly moved Marinette out of the way and grabbed the man's hand. The room went silent as Damian's absolutely livid glare made anyone that met it shrink.

"I suggest you back. Up. Now." The protective stance and lethal glare made the proud god bolster himself.

"Who do you think yeh are! Making the girl wear a veil like she's something only you ca'n see! Crazy loner! I'd bet you did kidnap her! What do you have to hide that needs to be covered up?!"

"I choose to wear the veil," Marinette cut in, authoritative despite the almost imperceptible tremor in her hand. "-have a good evening." Marinette quickly took Damian's arm and led him out before he could kill everyone in the room. The moment the hall was out of view, Damian wrapped an arm around a near shaking Marinette. Alfred was already waiting with the carriage ready.

"Lets go home. Pennyworth. It was a long day."

"Of course, master Damian." The couple quickly took their seats, not even a moment later the horses were quickly pulling the couple back towards their home.

Damian pulled Marinette's veil back and carefully removed the crown from her head before tucking her under his chin. She calmed, eventually falling asleep as he gently ran his fingers through her hair- she always passed out when he did that.

Marinette was frustrated and sad. Mortals kept dying, her month with them had helped but she wasn't there long enough to really help. She and Damian had spoken about what to do at length, there were only two options left and the second should be avoided because it would likely result in something more unfavorable.

Despite how hard it was, the couple decided it was best for Marinette to spend some time in the mortal world. Just to bless the lands and end a few wars- nothing too long-term but definitely longer than a month. She'd take Tim this time, Jon was one of the few that could get close to Damian when he was in his bad moods, so he'd stay.

"Drake." Damian entered his brother's office, the sleep deprived boy had been working far too hard lately anyways. Even Damian admitted he needed a break.

"Marinette will be returning to the mortal world again," Tim looked up from his work at that. "-I need you to go with her."

"I know she's capable of handling herself but I don't want her interacting with that heathen of a messenger and any other gods she might come across. We don't know how long she'll need to be there but I don't want her going alone and I can't join her."

"Of course, brat. I'll finally get some solid sister-in-law bonding time!" Damian rolled his eyes at that. "Jason and Dick are gonna be so jealous."

"Yes, but a few reminders:" Damian went on to explicitly tell Tim everything to keep Marinette from, everyone that should be avoided at all costs, and to never suggest visiting Olympus or the surrounding area. All godly hotspots were to be avoided, family is different. He was to collect all her mail and give all correspondence to Max for her.

"Protect her and make sure she comes back in one piece." Tim nodded, "You leave in three days, expect to be away for at least two months.

"Don't forget to eat, and be nice. Write as much as you can. Please water my garden if you get a chance, and don't forget to play with Titus and Goliath! And-" Marinette had been ranting about how Damian needed to take better care of himself when she was gone- having heard the stories of him skipping meals to work and all but neglecting Titus in her absence.

"I'll see you in two months, love." Damian cut Marinette of, she hugged Damian close. It was going to be a long eight weeks.

"I'll write every day if I can."

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