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Hello! Daisies and roses, I am hereby publishing this one shot of Larry with the side pairs of Ziam and Shiall. If you guys have already ready my published ongoing stories then you are requested to give this one-shot the same amount of liking. I strictly inform in the starting that this one-shot has MALE x MALE, so if you guys don't support it, then better not read it. If you want me to write a one-shot on any specific plot, then feel free to dm me and I'll give it a try if time and mood permit. I apologize for the delay in the updates of the chapters for the remaining books, but I am trying to make it up to you by providing short stories. If you guys like this one-shot then do not forget to vote for it. Thank you guys, for sticking up with me till today.. Your love inspired me to write LARRY againnnnnn....




"Hey Zee, are you up?? I am already heading to the Denvour's; see you and others at 5. And for fook's sake, don't be late."

And with that, I was stepping out of my apartment which I use to share with two muppets.
The first one as you already know now; don't fly higher everyone, it was a common-sense so if you haven't predicted that relax common sense is not common.

Okay back on track- (for future reference it happens a lot with me to get on side track)
So the first one is Zayn as I just mentioned him. Zayn goes by Zee, Boy from Bradford, or by "Princess" for his boyfriend Liam.

NO, Liam does not stay with us as you will be wondering, he's almost a one-day road trip far from where we live, that makes this couple affectionate towards each other a lot, especially at night. It's GROSS.. Very much of the info.
Okay, and the other one is my leprechaun, Niall Horan from Ireland. He's a guy who's in LOVE with food and Nando's being his Permanent Girlfriend.. Trust me why I am specifying few things about them, you'll get it.

Basically, it's us three living in this apartment near the Blender lake's side. We owe three small bedrooms which would give an idea about the personalities of us all individually. It's been 4 years of us staying in this house and away from our parents in order to acquire higher education. After completing our studies just a month ago, we can think about anything but staying away from our tiny unexpected family which we made here.

Niall, being all homesick went to visit his family in Milland. Well, I still wonder if he was homesick about his family or his mother's pastries.

And then there's me, a young yet smart and well-built guy who just passed from Software Engineering still looking for a job. I am fond of books and computers and writing and many more things which would make a whole-one shot so I'll inform you as it comes in my journey. In recent days, all I am consuming my time is in visiting Devour's library and spending all time stuck between the aisles of books. And then taking the extra lectures of my juniors which includes Zayn as well. There is a total of 4 kids whom I use to teach and well all belong to the rich fam that's why they can afford the extra class.

After that, I use to head to work near the downtown where I use to work in a company for making software apps for our customers. It comprises so many new things that would either mess up my rest of the day or would be interesting to catch me up for the whole night.

I am looking for a new job that would be enough rather alone, than me working in two places to afford a lifestyle and pay back debts of my parents, they took for my studies.

Fook-This door as usual always ends up me cursing it for his unnecessary fooking existence that would make my bigger self gasp for air-

"Hey, Shortie!! Same Good morning and that Same irritating expression. Told you just use the button to open it, not a work of short guys like you to open the door this huge, Louis!!"

THE EROSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora