Good Luck Charm

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Silence descended on the table as Aaron, April, and my mom all looked at Phillip.

Phillip looked a little smug. "Yes," he admitted, ducking his head a bit. "I did."

Marvin continued to stare at Phillip as if he was seeing something new and intriguing. "Interesting. Sit down."

I opened my mouth to protest but Phillip grabbed a chair from an empty table and confidently situated himself between me and Marvin. I discretely scooted my chair away from him a few inches and stared down at my empty glass wishing desperately for a fresh one.

Aaron leaned over. "Fuck's going on?" he murmured.

I shook my head and waved my hand at him. I didn't even want to think about it.

"So, you a gambler, Mr. Altman?"

Phillip shook his head. "No, not really. I'm a businessman."

Marvin's eyebrows shot up. "Oh yeah? What kind of business?"

"Sporting goods."

Marvin frowned in confusion.

Phillip leaned between my  fiancé and me, turning toward Marvin and proceeded to tell him about the Altman family business and the new York branch. Marvin seemed more and more confused. 

"I don't get it," he said, baffled. "You don't gamble...much. You don't trade or buy or sell stock? You just run your family's business?"

"That's right," Phillip answered cheekily.

Marvin took a deep breath and placed finger over his mouth contemplatively. 

I asked nervously, "Anyone want another drink? I know I could use..."

"It's just that Cameron is very good," Marvin interrupted. "Very, very good. She's so good in fact that she's never lost a game in all the time I've known her. That's why I promoted her."

"Oh," Phillip said conversationally, glancing at me as if he'd just remembered I was here. "From pit boss to  fiancé?"

I stiffened and saw Marvin's brows draw even closer together. Aaron's shoulders were shaking with silent laughter and April hid her smile behind her hand. My mother laughed indulgently. 

"Oh, Phillip!" she giggled. "You're such a comedian."

Marvin did not think it was funny. "From pit boss to my assistant. She keeps the wheels greased, so to speak."

Phillip turned his head and looked me up and down with his bedroom eyes. "I just bet she does," he said in an undertone that sent a thrill straight to my belly. 

Marvin leaned forward, his icy blue gaze intense. "She's the best! I've never seen anything like her. I trust her implicitly."

I blanched at his words. The shark was circling.

"Which is why I'd like to know how in the world you beat her down?" he continued. 

Phillip oblivious to the undercurrent, kept that little infuriating smile on his face. "Just got lucky, I guess." His eyes were on Marvin, but his hand found my thigh under the table and squeezed it possessively.

Marvin shook his head. "No, no, I don't believe in luck. I know that may sound strange given the business I'm in, but everything is always controlled. Cameron is an expert at controlling the game. Yet, she obviously lost to you. How?"

"Marvin, it's not really that..." I began.

"Shh!" Marvin cut me off with a wave of his hand. "I asked him, babe, not you."

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