Ice Lollies and Candies.

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He kept pacing the muddy ground for half an hour with his wheelbarrow and followed the path that led to the office where the supplies were to be distributed. Shireena’s father had not gotten any breakfast in the morn due to which he didn’t have enough energy to walk properly or to push the wheelbarrow along. He had staggered himself along for almost half an hour but neither was the office nowhere to be seen nor any people for far distances.

“Uncle, Uncle!” He waved as he saw an elderly man trespassing with his flock. That man was the only man he had seen on that way. “Sir, do you know where the office for the supplies distribution is?”

“Oh yes young lad! You must be on the wrong path. The office has been shifted to somewhere else.”

“Dear lord!” he sighed, “Do you know the location of the office now?”

“Nye, you must ask someone else.” And so the old man left following his flock of sheep.

Shireena’s father had turned his journey back to the camp where he could ask someone about the office. He was cold, wet and he shivered as the cold breeze would blow occasionally, blowing his hair and shawl off his shoulders. He traveled for another good half an hour and reached the territory of the camps, from there he was able to see groups of men going in another direction carrying wheelbarrows or baskets along with themselves.

He decided to follow the group of men hoping that it would lead to the office. The men did their journey on a proper road rather than the muddy soil which relieved him since his shoes and pants were soaked in mud and water. They all walked for a little while after which they came to a halt. There was a huge line of men right in front of them and they stood waiting to be verified by the army soldiers standing at the gate.

He was at the right place.

They stood there waiting for several more minutes, possibly 40 or 45 he estimated since his watch had been damaged in the rain that night. The line from the back of him seem to grow long and long as other campers stood waiting for their turn. One by one the men got verified and so they were allowed to get in and receive their rations. Shireena’s father was also verified by his IDP card and his name was written in a register as a record. He got in and saw a beautifully constructed building and yet another long line of menfolk. Without any second thought he stood behind the last man in the line.

At one side farther away from the line sat some elderly men and messy children on the ground with their legs folded. Many of them had accompanied their fathers so that they could help move the supplies. He looked around and all that he could see were drowsy faces waiting to get food and water. He included himself as one of those people.

 Poor children. They have to experience such horrid things in their lives. Well, we had uneasy childhoods too since we would start working in the farm at an early age and get spanked by our fathers for even the slightest mistake but this, this is emotionally hurting the children. Not able to be at home, not to be able to play in an open field surrounded by plants and trees and to be starving for half of the day. It just isn’t fair. I cant wait to get out of this place and go back home, one day.

“Everyone! Attention! Form a line and follow me! Stay in a line and don’t try to go ahead.” An army official broke through his thoughts. Everyone standing in the line obediently followed the army official although they had no knowledge where they were to go. The children and the elderly untangled their legs and stood with their relatives in the line. The army official led them to a huge open field where straw mattresses were laid and at the front stood a massive stage. The field had no grass or any plants, just barren muddy ground but at least there was a lot of sunshine, which was good since it was freezing cold.

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