Infor and chapter 1

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Alright I'm changing this book to a Mafia AU type of shit. Yes I am very sorry but you can check out my other book I will be posting some xreader theirs.

Anyway here's the info.

The Sleepy Bois are a family. Phil adopted all of them. Techno is the oldest Wilbur the middle child and Tommy as the youngest. And then with the dream team their all just good friends. Tubbo, Eret, Fundy, and Niki are in a family. Bad and Skeppy are married they adopted Sapnap and Purple cause why not. That's it for now. I alsmot forgot Schlatt 


Phil- 28

Technoblade- 21

Wilbur- 19

Tommy- 12

Dream- 21

Gogy- 22

Sapnap- 20

Eret- 20

Niki- 19

Fundy- 28

Tubbo- 12

Bad- 21

Skeppy- 20

Purple- 12

Schlatt- 23

I have no fucking idea what I just made 😂. Also Tommy is the youngest at all of them.

Now with the chapter.

Let's start when they adopted Tommy cause this book is gonna be Tommy's POV.

 Tommy was in the orphanage just laying in his 'room.' It wasn't really a room more like a closet for  brooms and shit. Anyway Tommy at the time was 11(cause I say so) and just came back from another home. Tommy wasn't surprised he always just went into a house to another just back and forward. Yet he was steal disappointed I mean not the fact that he came back from another house but that his 12th birthday was almost here and he still doesn't have a somewhere to call home or even someone to call family. (Ugh cringy) 

Anyway let's go a week forward but now to Technos POV.

Me and Wilbur where just chilling in the living room doing nothing but just watching tv the whole day (mood.) But then dad just came in and busted in scaring the shit out of the both of us. "Hey kids-" Phil says before getting cut off by me and Wilbur "Dad wtf you scared the shit out of us" "Yeah what Wilbur said wtf we where laying in comfortable silence until you came in" I say. "Sorry about that but anyways ima adopt another kid." We stare at him shock out of our minds. "Okay I see no objections get in the car" he says grabbing his keys. "WAIT WHATTTT-"

Time skip cause I know you guys don't want to hear Techno and Wilbur scream.

"I'm just saying getting another brat is an awful idea I mean haven't you learn from adopting Wilbur." I say in my usual monotone voice to try and stop Dadza from adopting another brat. "Yeah haven't you learned- WAIT HEY TECHNO" Wilbur says hitting me in the shoulder. "Stop it you two and no you guys aren't gonna change my mind. I just think we need  another kid to bring excitement to our lives." I mean that's kinda fair but like where fucking apart of a mafia so I don't know how life can get more exciting!?

Time skipppppp

"Well where now here so get off." "Wait we have to get off too" Wilburs whines wanting to stay in the car. "Yup now get off" he says as he opens the door I sigh but get off the car Wilbur following me. We see the orphanage and he'd inside.

 "Hello Sir what can I help you with" the lady at the front ask. "Hello where here to adopt another kid." (Clearly why else would you be at an orphanage.) "Ah okay. Well is their anything specific you want in the child maybe like an age or a gender." The lady asks, me and Wilbur look at each other before saying "We want a boy" Phil looks at us not really surprised to be honest. "Yeah we want a boy and probably for the age around 10 maybe" Phil says. "Ah alright well come here we have a few options" she says we follow her.

After telling us some things about the kid we still haven't decided on one. "Do you have anymore kids?" Phil ask "Well we do have one more but his a... trouble kid." She says we all look at each other before Phil says "Can we see him?" "Uh sure sir his in his room."

Back to Tommy's pov

I was still just laying on my bed before I decided to try and sneak out again. Yup again did it before and now I'm doing it again. I get a sweater and my shoes. I then open the window  and get ready to jump but I then hear the door open. "Yeah his in this room- THOMAS GET DOWN FROM THEIR" the lady screams I see that she came with some people I sigh but get down from the window. "Jeez you don't have to scream and I told you to not call me that" I mumble. She sighs before continuing "Yeah this is him. His name is Thomas Smith and his a trouble kid." I sigh I'm not a trouble kid well I mean I might be but like still it hurts.

  I look at the other people and see a tall blonde hair dude with a green an white stripe bucket hat then beside him theirs a pink hair dude then beside him theirs a dude with a red beanie and brown hair they don't really look alike. Meh who cares.

"Can we have a moment with him" the dude with the bucket hat ask she nods and looks at me "Behave" before walking off. "Hey kid I'm Philza or Phil either ones okay and this  my sons this is techno-"Yo" Techno says doing something like a saluut idk "my oldest and then Wilbur" "Hello" Wilbur says. "What's your name well your preferred name I heard you mumble something about but I couldn't quite hear it" Phil says I stare at him shock before saying well mumbling loud enough for him to hear "I said I wanted to be called Tommy." They look at each other before Wilbur-

Hehe cliff hanger. Bye bye.

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