A/N and crack

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Okay wtf. I was just doing my school work and I see that a lot of people where commenting on my book thank you so much omg. Anyway that's not the reason I made this. I will keep updating this for ever until I finally complet it which will be never. So don't worry I will update this it just legit takes me at least 3 days to write a chapter and it's not because it's hard it's because I get distracted easy. So I'm sorry that it takes forever for me to update anyway to the crack.

'"TOMMY IF YOU DONT GIVE ME MY BEANIE BACK I WILL KILL YOU" Wilbur yells while chasing after Tommy who's running away with a beanie on his head, a cape around his shoulders, and a sweater around his waist while getting chased by Phil, Techno, and Wilbur.

Well you might wondering how Tommy got into this situation well he thought it would be a good idea to steal Technos cape, Phil's sweater /his cape like thingy im calling it a sweater cuz he stole Technos cape and then it wouldn't make sense/  and WIlburs beanie.

Why did he do that you might be asking well idk neither does he . Well actually it night be because he got bored yeah lets use that accuse."AH FUCK" Tom yells as he gets tackle by Techno. "Give that to me gremlin" Techno says as he gets his cape /more like snatches it/ while still laying on Tommy.  

Long story short everyone got their stuff and tommy just pouts. But hell just steal everyone stuff again cuz his raccoon boi.'


anyway have a good new years and say bye to 2020 the worst year. Love you people.

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