Chapter 10- Forgotten Skills

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Mike arrived at the pizzeria absolutely starving. The last thing he had eaten was a burrito at 5:00.

“Guys, I’m here.” Mike said, as another painful wave of hunger passed through.

“Ahoy, Mikey! Laddie, ya look a little pale, ya feelin’ alright?” Foxy asked, concerned.

Mike slumped into a chair. “I feel fine. I’m just a little hungry, that’s all.”

Chica gasped. “I have an idea on what we could do tonight!”

Now Mike was curious. Chica’s ideas were pretty crazy sometimes. “What?”

You could practically see the happiness radiating off the bird. “Well since you’re so hungry, us animatronics could hold a pizza-making contest! You can judge!”

Bonnie groaned. “Chica, that’s immature. Plus, what would happen if we make a huge mess? We don’t have a lot of time, and that kitchen can’t hold four animatronics at a time.”

“And your point is? I was suggesting something fun, and you have to come around and ruin it!” Chica huffed, clearly agitated by the bunny.

Freddy stepped between the quarreling animatronics. “Don’t start this again, you two. Bonnie, If we all do our best to clean up after ourselves, I don’t see why we can’t have a contest.”

Bonnie’s jaw hit the floor. “You’re siding with her?! But-”

Freddy silenced him with a harsh glare, then turned to the night guard. “Mike, do you want to hold one?”

“Yea!” Mike yelled. “This could be fun.”

“Aye, it will be. But ‘ow am I goin’ t’ be able t’ make a pizza wit’ me one hand?” Foxy asked, waving his hook in the air.

Chica shrugged her shoulders. “I dunno. Just try.”


A few minutes later, the kitchen was set up for a full out contest. Mike had been seated in the middle of a long table, covered with a fancy tablecloth. Before him on the table lay four plates, one for each animatronic.

“Mikey, you’re the judge. Who’s gonna go first?” Chica asked.

Mike picked the first name that came to mind. “Freddy.”

The bear shifted nervously towards the kitchen, having never made a pizza or any food at that. Freddy figured he should start with the dough. Luckily enough, the chefs were cheapskates and had frozen dough (Though it always tasted home made). All the animatronics had to do was roll it out, put on the right amount sauce, add on the right amount of cheese and any other toppings, and put it in the oven.

Freddy carefully unwrapped the dough, and took out the roller. He lightly rolled the dough flat, knowing that to much strength would ruin it. He as lightly as he could untwisted the sauce jar’s lid. He took a large spoon out of the cupboard, and used it to spread around the sauce as evenly as he could. The animatronic bear then took the cheese, managing to spill a little. After everything was ready, he slid the pizza onto a tray and into the oven.

Outside the animatronics and night guard waited for the bear to emerge, and after a half an hour, Freddy walked up to them holding a only-in-the-slightest burnt pizza.

Chica smiled widely. “That’s not half bad for a newbie!”

Freddy ignored the chicken, and turned towards Mike. “Mike, I can’t guarantee your safety after eating this.”

Mike half laughed at the bear’s dry humor. He took a slice and ate a careful bite, despite how hungry he was. “Not bad, though it tastes a bit like ashes.”

Freddy, pleased with Mike’s opinion, walked off to stand next to the rest of the animatronics.

Mike motioned to Chica. “How about you go next?”

She clapped, and ran to the kitchen. She then whipped together a stunning pizza, following the procedure she had perfected over the years. She always used the expensive cheese and sauce the chefs kept hidden, and knew exactly how long the pizza would be in the oven for. She waltzed out to where Mike was sitting, and placed the steaming pie in front of him.

After eating a slice, the night guard looked at the expectant chicken with a look of wonder on his face. “Chica, this is fantastic!”

Chica grinned, and walked off smugly to the stage.

“Bonnie, you’re up.” Mike said, noting the annoyed expression on the bunny’s features.

Bonnie reluctantly walked off, grumbling under his breath. He reached the kitchen and stared, only now realizing he didn’t have a clue on how to do anything.

Outside, they waited. Finally, the bunny came up to them, holding an actual pizza.

“Eat it, so I can get back to living my life.” Bonnie ordered.

Mike did so, and after a minute, he still hadn’t said anything.

Bonnie groaned. ‘Ugh! Forget it! I know it’s terrible!” He turned and stalked off to the closet.

Mike shrugged and pointed to Foxy. “Alright, then that leaves the captain over here.”

Foxy almost seemed to shrink, but obeyed and walked slowly to the kitchen.

Around a minute later, severe crashes rang throughout the pizzeria and a whole bunch of swear words the others had never known the fox to use. At one point, even Bonnie had come out of the closet to investigate.

Foxy trudged out of the war zone and dropped something that resembled…..well nothing really on the table. The animatronic grunted as he passed Mike, and slipped into Pirate’s Cove before he lost all dignity.

Mike stared, and pushed the burnt lump aside. “Er… Alright! Scoring time!”

Chica eagerly stepped forward, knowing all too well that she would win.

“And the winner is…..” Mike trailed off, looking at the faces of the animatronics. “Bonnie!”

Chica’s jaw dropped, and Freddy’s eyebrows raised. Foxy popped his head out from behind the curtains. “Honestly, lad?”
Mike nodded, confirming his decision. “yep.”

“B-but he….” Chica stuttered. “HOW!?”

Bonnie, who hadn’t heard the announcement, had finally came out of the closet. “Hm? What’s Chica complaining about now?”

“YOU WON THE FREAKING CONTEST! IT SHOULD’VE BEEN ME!” Chica yelled at a window shattering pitch.

“I did? But I completely guessed….” Bonnie trailed off, as a faint memory flashed before him.

Mike shrugged. “It turned out really well, though. Are you sure you never made a pizza before?”

Bonnie was quiet for a bit. “I think I may have….. just once. I tried to delete the memory a long time ago, but I guess I ended up forgetting anyways.”

Chica raised an eyebrow. Never once had she seen the bunny look this thoughtful. “Bonnie, why did you want to forget the memory?”

“Because the person who taught me to make pizza was Fred…. right before…… you know.” Bonnie said sadly.

Chica felt awful. “Bonnie, I’m so sorry! I always made fun of you for not being able to cook or even going into the kitchen, and I never knew that you could, and-”

“Chica, shut up. I don’t want anyone’s pity. Just leave me be.” Bonnie cut off the chicken, and walked back to the closet.

The others watched him, a new respect for the bunny growing inside.

A/N: I apologize for the lateness, I've been really distracted and... well I got bored with the story for a while. Also sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, I realized halfway through it that the entire point of this chapter was kind of stupid, so.... BOOM! Insperation struck, and part of Bonnie's past is revealed!

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