chapter 4

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I wake up i grab some clothes and get dressed then I look at my armor hanging on the wall i debate weather or not to get the armor on since we won't arrive on earth for another day so I end up heading to the cafeteria without my armor on mainly because I want to eat already

Sarge: grif why do you not have your armor on

"I was hungry I'll go get it on after I eat" i say grabbing my food


I see Simmons sitting with caboose so I sit down next to Simmons

Simmons: hello grif how's your morning

"You sound cranky so caboose being a joy" I say in a sarcastic manner as I see tex and north having a stand off we look for a minute or two before south walks over

Caboose: look it's the girl that woke up

South: duh I woke up I wake up every morning

"To caboose sleeping and dieing are the same things so what he means is you came back from the dead" I say to her

South: oh that yeah agent Washington tried to kill me but in the end I was put in a coma when I woke up I was in a hospital I had lost both my arms plus my right leg I apparently had severe burns all over my body too so they had replaced my limbs and treated my burns plus barley get the bullet out of my head on time but other than that no harm no fowl I just wish that asshole delta had kept his mouth shut besides only reason I left my brother behind to fight the meta was because that sick fucker said it was a good idea

"I see let me guess your brother is the one that saved you" I say to her

South: yup he saved me but I had to promise not to back stab him again

North walks over and sits down

"So what was that about" I ask

North: well you see California me and tex have never got along

"I'm not agent California" I say slammed my fist on the table

North: well you fight like him explain that

"I just go by instinct my body just uses a similar fighting style" i yell I know the others are staring at us because of this fight so I finish eating and walk back to my room

At the reds and blues home base

Donut sits on the coach when three men plus one girl arrive out side

Cobra: leave the pink one to me you three get the location of the ship

Donut sees then runs to the armory The girl also known as the assassin cobra looks through the building donut grabs a assault rifle from the armory then walks out he finds two of the guys he shoots them killing both then cobra walks out

Cobra: well now pinky killed two assassins impressive but unfortunately for you I'll kill you in one blow

Donut: I wouldn't bet on it also the name's Franklin Delano Donut

Cobra pulls a knife and slashes at Donut who doges then shoots cobra doges the shots then ducks into the stairwell

Donut: running already I see well nice knowing ya but I need to kill you then deal with your friend sorry

Cobra: good luck

Cobra comes out then stabs donut's assault rifle donut throws it to the gun then punchs Cobra, Cobra swipes at donut a bit but donut doges then punches Cobra through a wall and onto the next floor down

Cobra: your tougher than I thought I'll give you that pinky but you won't win

Donut: is that so well time to give you a taste of this donut

Cobra looks in confusion then donut jumps down and hits the girl knocking her out

Donut: I'm not ganna kill you yet but I'll take this pistol

He picks it up then shoots the last assassin who was trying to sneak out then he goes to the assassins ship with cobra tied up being dragged by him he puts in the ships location then travels there the ship enters hyper space as cobra wakes up

Cobra: h-huh the ship were we successful

Donut: no I killed your friends and tied you up so we are on our way to my friends right now to figure out what to do with you

Cobra: I see well your tough pinky I'll give you that

Donut sits down on the seat across from cobra

Donut: the names donut ok stop calling me pinky

Cobra: fine then donut

With grif and the others

I look down in the training hall at south and tex train the two seem even but ultimately tex wins

Tex: I actually broke a sweat

South: sounds like i made an achievement i mean how often does a robot sweat

Tex: really now I'm not a robot I'm a ai in a mechanical body

South: what's the difference

"Calm down both of you" I say

López: someone is requesting docking

Sarge: then what's your mechanical ass doing here let them board

We all head to the docking Bay first person I see come out is a girl her hands are tied behind her back i then look behind her seeing donut walk in

"Wait donut why do you have this girls hands tied" I ask

Donut: well you see her and three assassin guys broke into the base I dealt with the other three but I think sarge or tucker should decide what to do with her

Tucker: do as you want with her donut

Sarge: yeah that's fine by me

Cobra: eh not like I care I'll tell anything to stay alive plus donut here said among all of you he's the weakest so I would rather not get my ass kicked again

"So tell us what your objective was" I ask

Cobra: I was sent to kill donut but I failed but tougher fighters are coming to kill each of you but I'll help you since I know all there weak points and flaws

Sarge: you really are a backstabbing your friends

Cobra: who ever called them my friends is a total idiot

Sarge: I see you know I like her already

"So what's the main goal of your assassin buddies" I ask

Cobra looks at me

Cobra: to kill you

Everyone looks shocked except for me I look unsuprised by the words so I detach the ship donut and this girl came on then walk into my room I take off my suit then lay down on the bed I yawn a bit then I pass out

Hi this is a quick message from the creator I'll be from now on adding a run down on new assassins each time we get to know a new one so here

Assassin name- cobra

Real name- Margaret branch

Gender- female

Age- 35

Armor color- red and purple

Skilled in- kung-fu, street fighting, and knife fighting

Weapons- pocket knife, combat knife, ag magnum pistol, and a katana

Status- alive

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