Chapter 6: Abandonment Issues

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After Enzo left I dug back into the grueling research. Still not a single clue on anything. I couldn't figure out why they wanted me. I turned the tv on to distract myself, but to no appeal. I wanted this to stop. I wanted to be able to go out with my boyfriend without fear of the armory finding me. I sighed getting up to make myself dinner, still running through all the scenarios in my head. What would even happen when they got me?

Before I could think about anything else my phone started ringing. I smiled when I saw it was Enzo.

"What are you checking up on me?" I asked, picking up "Did you eat, Luv?'" I mocked teasingly in his accent

He laughed and I could just picture his smile through the phone

"Well did you?"

I smile to myself

"Not yet" I reply "I just finished making dinner"

"Wait you're cooking?" He asks "Darling you should've ordered something, you're gonna starve"

"Shut up" I exclaim, although I can't help myself but smile

"Alright how was your day?" He asks

"Eh... boring" I shrug "How was your flight?"

"Same. Boring" He replies "Would've been a lot more entertaining if you could've came with"

"Hey I wanted to"

"I know...."

"How's Paris?" I ask trying to change the subject

I knew he didn't leave me behind for no reason. He was trying to protect me.

"Oh wonderful" He answers "You'll love it"


"Really. And I promise you darling.... one day after we get rid of the armory crisis...."

I smile

"I'm holding you to that promise FYI" I snark

"Of course luv, I'd expect nothing less" He replies "What have you been up to all day?"

"Nothing... I've been looking through the books but I still have no idea"

I think back to everything we knew. Virginia. Could she know anything? Maybe if I talked to her....

"Hey where'd we put Virginia's journal?" I ask

"Storm Cellar" He replies "The keys are...."

His voice trails off and I pick up the phone holding it closer to me


"Yeah. Yeah. The keys are in the top shelf of the dresser" He finishes "Hey I'll call you back"

Before I could reply the call cuts off. I sigh setting the phone down and getting up to go down to the storm cellar. I grab the journal and run back into the house to find my phone ringing. I pick it up expecting it to be Enzo, disappointed to see it was only Caroline.

"Hey" I sigh weakly

"Oh don't sound too excited!" She snarks

"Sorry I thought you were Enzo"

"Why would you think I was Enzo?"

"He's in Paris on some job for Alex" I explain "We were talking earlier and he hung up saying he'd call me back"

"He went to Paris without you?" She gasps "The audacity"

I laugh

"It's not like I could go anyway.... not with the armory out looking for me"

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