Chris x Parker

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Hey so I fixed the problem and I'll be writing the third part sorry about that! And the bottom part is missing- sorry about that TwT

I'm so sorry for making this late! And I was caught up on something's anyways continue! I'll try make all the parts today but there's gonna be 20-30 parts!

Chris and Parker: what?!

Elizabeth: you heard me! Date alreadyyy

"chris and Parker blush hard"

"Clara yells lunch is ready"

Elizabeth: Well I'm going to go make sure so kiss

She kinda giggles while walking away

Chris: S-Sorry about Elizabeth..

Parker:I-its fine..

Chris:a-anyways wanna go get lunch?

Parker: S-sure

They both walk back into the house.
The arrive inside the house

Chris: Let's go to the kitchen

Parker: Alright.

They get to the kitchen

Clara: Come and eat, boys.

Elizabeth sitting at the table looking at Parker and Chris

Elizabeth: Soo did you kiss?

Chris: W-What n-no..

Parker: N-no..

Elizabeth thinks to herself "I'm going to make my ship sail! Whatever it takes to make it sail!"

Clara: Oh, well go sit down and eat.

"Both of the boys go to sit down"

Elizabeth: Awee sad you didn't kiss

Chris: H-huh..?! H-how is that sad???

Elizabeth: Because my ship didn't sail yet

Elizabeth kinda frowns then kinda giggles

Parker: S-ship?!

Parker blushes

Elizabeth: Yea my ship! But I'm going to make it sail!

Chris: Enough, E-Elizabeth!

Elizabeth: Awe whyy?

Chris: Because it's embarrassing!

Parker: Y-yea..!

Elizabeth: Oooo then I'll do it more!

Elizabeth talks to them about her shop about them Parker and Chris blushes hardly

Elizabeth: Andd that's why I ship you guys together!

Elizabeth looks at Chris and Parker

Elizabeth: Why are you all red and blushing?

Chris: Because your talking about me and Parker dating?!!

Elizabeth: Ohhh yea! You'll be cute together!

Elizabeth: anddd I think I broke your boyfriend- about my ship theory Bout you two-

Chris shakes Parker's shoulder but Parker still flustered

Elizabeth: Kiss him!

Chris: Im not doing that!!!

Elizabeth: Come On~!!

Elizabeth annoys Chris with "Do it!! Do it!! Do it!!" After Chris answers back

Chris: fine I'll do it!!!!

Elizabeth: Yesss!!!!

Elizabeth gets excited

"Chris kisses Parker and Parker stops being flustered"
Parker blushes hardly
Chris stops kissing Parker

Elizabeth: That was Sooo cuteee!!!! I'm telling mom!

Elizabeth goes to tell Clara

Parker: W-Why would you d-do that?!

Chris: B-because Elizabeth was being annoying and she won't stop until I did so-..I did it

Parker: O-Oh..

Clara walks in

Clara: Soo, Chris

Chris answers yes stuttering

Chris: Y-yes?

Clara: is it true you kissed Parker?

Chris: Y-yes, m-mom

Clara: You did?.

Chris: Y-yes

Elizabeth: Do it again!

Parker: W-Why are you making Chris kiss me???

Elizabeth: It's me and my mom's ship!

Parker: You and your mom's Ship?! W-what d-do you m-mean?!

Elizabeth: Me and my mom ship you and Chris together! And we'll make are ship sail!

Chris: mom?! You ship me with Parker?!

Clara: Well yea!, Sooo I date you to kiss Parker again, or no cookies for the next 3 weeks!

Chris: What?!. No cookies for 3 weeks if I don't kiss Parker?. Well it's not bad...but I'm not kissing him!

Parker: A-and I'm n-not kissing C-Chris!

Elizabeth: Do it

Chris: No

Elizabeth: Do it

Chris: No

Elizabeth: Do it

Chris: No

Elizabeth: yes

Chris: no

lprotagonist/Parker x Chris (18+)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora