Parker x chris

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Anyways so they started dating bluh bluh but the other part the end of the story disappeared- but I don't know what happened sorry! But I still remember

After Elizabeth and Clara got out of Chris's room Chris and Parker cuddle

Parker: I love you Chris..

Parker says while blushing

Chris blushes too

Chris: I-i Love you to..

They fell asleep for a few hours
Clara calls them for dinner but they we're still asleep. Clara comes up the stairs

Clara: Chris? Parker?

Clara walks into Chris's room

Clara: Chris?

Clara opens the door to see the both cuddling

Clara: Aww!

Elizabeth comes up the stairs

Elizabeth: mom! Is Chris and Parker coming to eat dinner?

Elizabeth walks to Chris's room and See's Clara standing at the entrance of the door Elizabeth goes towards the door and looks into Chris's room

Elizabeth: Mom?. Huh? Wait there cuddling?! Awwww!

Parker slowly starts to wake up
He wakes up and wakes up Chris
The Chris wakes up


Parker: Wake up..

Parker yawns Chris wakes up and See's Clara and Elizabeth standing at the door

Chris: Mom?! Elizabeth?!

Clara: Uhm..heyy sweetie-

Elizabeth: uhhhh- Heyyyy

Parker: Huh?

Parker looks at the entrance of the door and See's Clara and Elizabeth standing there

Parker: Clara? Elizabeth? Why are you standing there

Clara: Oh I came to tell you dinner is ready and I saw you too cuddling- and then Elizabeth came to check if you we were coming downstairs-

Parker: Oh.., anyways Chris wanna go eat?

Chris: Sure

They all go downstairs


I'm so sorry I'll do the next part later because Imma go eat dinner- I'll finish when I'm done or while I'm eating

lprotagonist/Parker x Chris (18+)Where stories live. Discover now