Chapter One -- Enter: Michi

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"...This?" I asked my driver, Shin, hesitantly, as my eyes stayed glued to the building in front of my once I had rolled my window down.

In front of me was a large pink building with bright yellow roofing, what seemed like hundreds of windows, and lawns and gardens so beautiful that it would put the ones at my new manor to shame.

"Yes. This." Shin chuckled.

I gave a forlorn sigh and nodded, giving the private academy a once over again. Though I absolutely hated the colours pink and yellow, -- as the pink clashed with my burgundy-maroon coloured hair, and yellow made my golden eyes seem Hellish -- the colours seemed to fit the school's appearance as it was: A stuck up school for pompous rich brats.

I opened my door and stepped out of the limousine, after assuring Shin that I was more than capable to do so, and straightened the tie on my male's uniform, fixed my glasses, and flung my suitcase over my shoulder as I began the short walk to the doors of the school.

As I walked, the excitement seemed to bubble in my stomach and I had to suppress a giant, girlish squeal from inside at the idea of going to the same school as my Haruhi again.

I walked into the school itself and was immediately ambushed by the awed whispers of girls and guys. As I modeled a lot of famous clothing brands world-wide and had even delved a bit into acting, it was only natural for them to be curious.

That, and the fact that nobody outside of my agency and the people I did jobs for, knew my gender.

It was like a blank page of a colouring book where everything else had been filled in except one page.

It was hard for people to tell because, A: I took up both male and female roles for shows, movies, and modeling. B: All of the people I worked for were sworn to secrecy.

I snickered softly to myself, then gave an almost innocent expression and approached a group of girls. With my free hand, I fixed my glasses, and then bowed to them slightly, letting my hair get that 'messy look'.

"Sorry to interrupt... I'm Michi. Michi Jikkan. I'm looking for the office... Could one of you perhaps give me directions?"

Two of the girls fainted on the spot, while the others seemed way too star-struck to reply. I blinked and feigned innocence before turning to one of the males nearby. "Could you show me to the office?~"

He nodded slowly, gaping, and led me to the office. I thanked him, then turned to the secretary.

I recieved my class timetable information and then found my way to the class, using the information I was given.

I opened the door to the loud, rowdy classroom and everything got immediately silent. I scanned the room and found someone who looked like Haruhi sitting between two ginger twins who looked scandalously familiar.

I walked to the sensei with a shy smile and bowed slightly. He chuckled and waved it off.

"Class, we have a new student."

I smiled deviously and tilted my head, letting my suitcase come to my side. "Hi. My name is Michi Jikkan. I do hope you'll accept me and treat me well. Please take care of me." I gave a bow and stood up when I heard the sound of a something hitting the ground.

"M-Michi..?" Haruhi's voice quivered. I looked up and connected eyes with the look-alike and observed, giving a small gasp when I realized it was really her.

I had no idea we'd be in the same class. And plus, Haruhi had no idea I was coming here. This was a surprise for her.

"Haru-chan!" I said, stars in my eyes. I dropped my suitcase onto the nearest desk and ran to Haruhi whilst she ran to me after getting up from her desk. We embraced in a hug in the middle of the classroom, making the others gasp in surprise or shock.

Or horror, maybe.

I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and buried my face into her neck, whilst she wrapped her arms around my neck and did the same.

"I missed you so much, you idiot!" Haruhi told me, seeming to not care if the whole class heard.

"I missed you too, Haru-chi~"

"I told you not to call me that anymore." Haruhi said, pulling back from me with her face burning pink.

"Must have slipped my mind." I gave small smile that made a few ladies swoon.

The teacher gave an awkward clear of his throat and we moved to sit so he could begin the lesson.

<*><*><*><*> TIME SKIP <*><*><*><*>

After class, Haruhi dragged me off to something after-school she referred to as, 'The gathering of those idiots and I', to which I giggled but followed.

Upon entering what was apparently called Music Room 3, we were bombarded by flower petals and a bright light. I rolled my eyes and walked in with Haru-chi and let the doors close behind us.

"Haruhi.." I heard two similar voices chorus, and looked up to see the twins from class today. "Who is he, and who is he to you?"

"I'm Michi Jikkan. I'm fifteen and two months older than Haru-chi." I replied flatly, giving them both a dull look. "I model and I act. Haru-chi and I grew up together. We're..." I glanced at Haruhi and smiled slyly. "Very close."

Sorry, Senpai~ (OHSHC HaruhiXOC, GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now