News x And A x Note

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Note: tysm for 500 reads! I started writing this on Thanksgiving, and one of the things I'm incredibly grateful for is you guys, reading this. I know I say this every chapter, but I just can't get over the fact that people like what I write. Also I'm thinking of starting a Killua x Reader story. Should I start it now or wait til this is done?

Before the chapter starts:
-It's been 3 weeks since Killua's funeral
-Kurapika has put his mission on hold, so he can stay with Gon until he's back to normal.
-They've checked out of room 317 and 318, their rooms being 633 and 634.

Kurapika's POV
I'm reading a book in the corner. Gon's staring at the TV, which is playing the local news. This has been our arrangement for the past few weeks. I leave Gon alone, and he'll eat the food that I pickup. If I try to talk to him he'll ignore me. But it's getting better. Slowly. He'll go outside of the hotel room. Before, he would sit in the room, all day, all night. If he glanced my way, he would just look right through me. Like I didn't exist. These past days have been calmer. Although it feels like the calm before a storm.
The TV blares. The words "breaking news" flash across the screen. Dammit! I shouldn't have jinxed it!
"We are live to you from Yorknew City! There has been some sort of terroristic attack, here at Twilight Church & Cemetery." What? That's where Alluka and Killua were buried. It flashes to live footage from the cemetery. It's... destroyed. "The church, though one of its walls were already destroyed in a gas explosion 3 weeks ago, was decimated. The cemetery in the back met the same fate." Gon turns and looks at me. It's the first time since the funeral that he actually sees me. I nod, knowing he wants to go there and investigate. But the news reporter starts to talk again. "An ominous note has been found at the crime scene. 'If you're hearing this, you know what you've done. You murdered him after he told you the truth. I've done this because of that. It's your fault. It's always been.' The police were investigating the note when it disappeared in a puff of smoke. He have Crime Hunters searching for the person behind this now..." We barely hear this last part. After all, we're already out the door.

~~~10 Minutes Later~~~

It's... so much worse in person. Theres nothing left. It's all reduced to shrapnel. The smoke makes it hard to breathe. We flash our Hunter Licenses to whoever tries to stop us. Through all the chaos, we make it to Killua's grave. The Linden tree next to it is burnt to ashes, which are floating around us. The gravestone is in pieces all around us. The ground... it's dug up. Gon and I are frozen. Not in fear, but in anger. Who had the kind of power to do this? And why? This is obviously Nen. But whoever did this must be incredibly strong. And angry. I can still feel some bloodlust. A piece of paper falls onto my shoulder. It's burning. I brush it off, but the texture is surprising. It doesn't feel like paper. It's harder and glossier. When I pick it up, it hits me. These ashes aren't paper. They're cards. And cards only mean one thing. Hisoka. The note. He was talking about Illumi. They were friends. But destroying this whole cemetery because of that? Maybe they were more than friends.
The police are clearing people out of the area, so me and Gon head back to the hotel. Gon turns the TV back on. His eyes are dark. My phone buzzes. It's Leorio calling. I answer it in the other room.
Kurapika: Hello?
Leorio: I heard what happened. Are you guys okay?
Kurapika: The police cleared out the area. We showed them our licenses but they made us leave.
Leorio: How's Gon?
Kurapika: He's... I don't know.
Leorio: Alright. Call me if you need me.
I hang up. My eyes feel like lead weights. I lie down on my bed and close my eyes.


A dreamless sleep always puts me on edge. I almost never get through the night without some kind of flashback. Is this a dream? Eerie silence. A sense of dread envelops me. Why is it quiet? Isn't Gon in the next room, playing the news? I burst into his room. The TV is off. The door is open. The window too. He's trying to throw me off his trail. But I'm smarter than that. The window is too high to jump from. So he took the door. I run into the hallway. Now the stairway or the elevator? Gon likes to run and exercise. He would take the stairs. But which way? Downstairs is the fifth floor. Upstairs... the roof. I run upstairs. I reach the roof access door. It's the middle of the night. You can see the stars. Gon's on the roof. Sitting on the railing. His feet dangling off the edge.
"GON!" I'm screaming. He's locked the door. I break it down. "GON! DON'T DO IT!" He tenses, looking back at me, with tears in his eyes. Then he pushes off with his hands and falls. Out of sight.

Can't Live Without You (Killugon Angst)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt