CHAPTER 1: in the begining

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(You're dad is Bruce Wayne witch mean you are in a rich family. You know about his secret job as Batman. You're 17 years old and smart in electrical and computer stuff.)

(((Time line)))

When you were only 6 years old you already new life wasn't easy. You're mother died when you were just born witch left you're dad to over protection and depression. He had to take you to work each day and train you.

You were one-day playing in the office noticing it was getting dark outside and you wanted to see the stars. You started walking to the exit until you were far from the office.

You looked around and see unfemiliar faces. You started to cry, missing you're dad. a Deep voice asked "are you you lost." You look up seeing a man with scars and make-up "Yes." You replied trying to stop crying.

He picked you up gently, smiling. "What's you're name" you asked "Jack" you laughed a little "I like you're name". You replied "and what's you're name" he asked "(Y/N) Wayne" you said looking at his face.

"Is it the scares?" He asked. You smile "I love them" you touched them. He flinched a little but stopped letting you touch them. Later you laid you're head on his shoulder sleeping lightly

Back at the office you're father was worried sick. He started searching everywhere and asking everyone if they have seen you
He then got into his car and went up and down searching for you.

After a while of walking with you  in his arms sleeping he reached to the big mansion you. He put you down in front of the door, he knelt down and gave a you a Joker card. "Take care of this for me will you?" He asked giving you a card. "Mm m" you said. Joker left

You knock at the door, Alfred opened it while being on the phone "Sir she's alright... She just arrived here-" He took the card from you "... This is not good... You better come see this... Alright"

You're father arrived and ran to see if you were alright and not hurt. "Oh my goodness" he sighed in relief. Alfred then handed him the card. You're father gasp " ARE YOU ALRIGH... DID HE TOUCH YOU OR HURT YOU??" you're father asked in fear. "Dad I'm fine.

"May I have the card back please" you asked you're father "I'm gonna hang on to it for you. Ok"

"Ok.. but I mad a promise that I'll take good care after it" you said while going to you're room

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