CHAPTER 2: 2nd save

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(((time line)))

At the age of 12 you got bullied for you're appearance. One day you were walking home beaucuse you're father was in a meeting. So two girls picked on you

"You're so ugly" 1st girl said. "Why are you even alive?" 2nd girl said. You didn't defend yourself.

Suddenly someone jumped in front of you. Thinking it was you're father as Batman you looked up seeing it's the Joker. You weren't scared but did have a little fright.

"And who are you supposed to be, FREAK!" the 2nd girl stated. "Freak, well at least I'm not saying such mean and awful things like you FREAK!!". I laughed a little "What are you laughing about" Joker looked at me with a smile. "Nothing" I replied

"She's probably laughing because you're the joke" he said laughing a little to.

"Ugh." The 2nd girl grunted. "Come on let's get away from these weirdo's" 1st girl said grabbing her friend and walking away

Just as Joker was I about to leave I stopped him "Wait" he stopped and slowly turned around "Yes" he said with a beautiful tone. "Thank you" you replied. He bowed "anything for you doll." He then walked away.

Soon I got home. "How was school?" Alfred asked "awful like always, but Joker kinda helped me today when I was getting bullied." I said grabbing an apple. "Joker? " Alfred said in shock
"Yeah... Anyways I do have quite alot of homework to do. " I said grabbing my bag and going upstairs.

After a while of doing homework I wanted to take a break and get some water. As I was walking down the stairs I heard voices. It was Alfred and my dad... Talking about the Joker

"Why does he help her" you're father said "looks like she has nothing to fear sir" Alfred replied "wel at least he didn't hurt her or killed her" dad said

Alfred looked up the stars my way. ",Ahhh mis Wayne. Are you almost finished with you're homework." Alfred asked. "Almost" you replied going to the fridge.

"Is there anything I should know... Like about Joker saving you" you're dad asked. "He said some things to the girls who bullied me and I only thanked him that's all" you replied

"Okay. If he ever hurts or touches you PLEASE tell me or Alfred!" Dad said. "I will, I promise" you said "Thank you" dad replied

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