Bring Me Back To Life

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"What do you mean?"


"She did what?!"

"When I get my hands on her!"

"I swear, that girl's put the fear of Morgana in me she has."

The keeper of those words was a force to be reckoned with, a woman who could make gods tremble in fear.

"Oh hades, please don't let that be who I think it is. Shit."

Her eyes snapped open and the storm was unleashed.

"Victoria Violet Potter! I can't believe you tried to kill yourself! If your parents were alive they would be... they would be... so worried about you."

Her once angry tone transformed to one of pity in a split second.

"You don't understand Mrs Weasley..."

"Please dear, how many times do I have to tell you, it's Molly."

"Molly... you don't, iit-it's horrible. I can never be with them, I can never die. I'll be alone for eternity."

"Oh sweetie, everything will be alright. You have so many people who love you."

"Thank you Mrs We-, Molly. Umm, where am I?"

"You're somewhere called Newt York, personally I don't like it. The people are so rude here, no one would stop to help us, Ginny and I got terribly lost. It was a nightm-"

"Ginny's here! Where is she?"

As soon as the words left Tori's mouth the door swung open.

"Mum, can you believe it I couldn't find any chocolate frogs in the hospital gift shop! Outrageous, I mean what even is a malt-ee-ser?"



Victoria embraced her best friend for the first time in years.

"Mum, would you leave me and Tori alone. We have some catching up to do."

"Ginevra, Victoria needs me to he-"

"Actually Molly, some time alone would be really good, promise I'll call if I need you!"

Fingers crossed behind Tori's back.

"Finally... she's gone."

"She just wants to help Gin... but yes! Thank hades she's gone."

"Soooooo... how's life V?"

"Terribly boring stuff G. Just my godfather rising from the dead for one evening and me killing myself and coming back to life. Y'know ordinary stuff."

"It will get better Victoria, I promise."

"Okay Gin."

But both girls knew, that was a lie.


The front door shot open and her wards welcomed her graciously.

Victoria was home.

Everyone asked if she was "okay," but Tori knew they were empty remarks, obligatory,  just there to fill the awkward silences.

But the raven prince was different.

"Hey Spooky." 

"Spooky?" Questioned Tori.

"It suits you, there's just something about that's a little..."

"Spooky." Tori finished.

As expected an eye roll graced her face.

"Well, aren't you going to feign concern like the rest of the sheep in this town?"

"And why would I do that?

"No reason," Tori mumbled, it seemed that the vamp hadn't heard of her 'incident' yet.

"Ohhhh, because you tried to kill yourself." Okay, he had then, typical.

"Piss of dickhead!" They said simultaneously.

"I know you bitch." He stood there smirking at her.

"And I know you're not 'okay' but it's okay to be not okay, okay?!" 

"Okaay Dr. Damon." Her eyes rolling again with a hint of a smile.


Her encounter with Damon had brought a smile to her face, a truly unexpected result. She was still racked with guilt though, the thought that she could be so selfish to leave her brother behind haunted her relentlessly. So she texted Jeremy to meet her at the bridge and made her way over there.

There was a silence between the siblings that was new and uncomfortable.

"Jer, I don't know how I can make this better."

"You left me Tor, that hurts. Why didn't you talk to me?"

"I have some dark shit going on Jeremy, life has already screwed me up... I don't want screw you up too."

"That's not your choice to make Victoria! I'm not a little kid anymore!"

"I'm sorry Jer, I-i need to let you in." Tears of frustration ran down her face.

"It's okay sis, it's okay." He embraced his big sister, rocking her gently and patting her head. 

"Everything's gonna be okay T."


"Did you get it?"

"Yes sir. May I ask, what do you need with Victoria Potter's samples? She's just an ER transfer patient."

"She's much more than that Boone. You are released now, go back to your duties."

"Sir yes sir!"


Sorry it's been a millenia since I've updated this book. Thank you all for bearing with me! Your kindness is irreplaceable!

Love you all,

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