Delilah's Q & A

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I will be updating this as the story goes one to answer some grey areas that would be unnecessary to go into detail in the story so if anyone comments on a chapter and asks a question about anything to do with Delilah then I'll put here and answer in her POV.

How did her father die?
D: "He had a brain tumor that made it hard for him to see, because he was getting old he just got a stronger prescription because he never knew it was a tumor. Then one day he went to the doctor and they diagnosed him with a giant tumor on the occipital lobe that had grown into the parietal lobe. Basically hindering his sensory and his sight. I learn this when I was 16, I also had to watch as my father could no longer hold a camera or smile, he wasn't strong enough anymore. By the time I was 18 my dad died from complications in surgery from the 3rd attempt to clear the tumor from his brain, at that point the tumor was discovered to not be a tumor, but an aneurism, we truly had the worst doctors. We sued and won a good lump sum of money. Ever since my mom has told me to pay attention an if anything went wrong to go to the doctors, in reality I agreed but only did it for a year.

How long before you knew you loved Owen?
D: I figured it out when it was just us getting ice cream, Kenny sent us together maybe because we were the same age or maybe because he's secretly a match maker. Anyways Owen was driving and I was eating ice cream, he break checked me and ice cream went up my nose, I then put ice cream on his nose, we laughed hard and before long we realized we stopped in the middle of a street and people were honking at us, but the sound faded and I saw the look in his eyes and I felt like I couldn't live without that look.

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