The One

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"One... Two... Three..." A voice said. "Open you're eyes."
Eyes open wide with a view of a ceiling that's white.
"Where am I?" A female said. The female sits up on the bed she awoke from.
A flash of light makes the room spin instantly. The light becoming bright as the room spins in reverse. The light vanishes and the room stops spinning as a figure in a black hooded cloak covering the entirety of him appears through a blank white wall.
"So Killy..." The figure started. "Do you know why your here?"
"No." Mildly started. "Who are you?"
"The one who can help you." The figure spoke in a distant voice. "You have one chance to fix everything. To change history as you seen it into something else completely. Do you wish to save him...?"
The figure raised a arm and another person appeared. All that can be seen by Killy is long black hair with spikes pointing in every direction as well as down the back.
"Him...?" Killy spoke.
Instantly pain rushed through Killy's head. Grasping her head in pain. Everything flashes between black and white. Within moments its all black.

I open my eyes seeing grass all around me as I'm on the ground. Blood in different spots all over. I stand up wincing as my body is in pain all over. Droplets sound near me. I look down and see blood on my arms, shirt, and pants.
"My... Blood?" I ask myself.
I look over myself and notice no cuts or gashes. I turn around to examine the area realizing I'm in a clearing with trees all around thirty feet from me.
A shadow moved from beyond the trees and went straight by me. Landing on the other side of the clearing against a tree with a hard thud as blood following behind. Black spike hair seen plain as day.
A man walked up from where I was looking. White long hair tinged in black. A dark aura all around him.
"So your still alive?" The man said with a smile on his face. "That can be fixed real fast. But first... Him."
I look at the man behind me and realize who it is.
The white haired man already began to move before I could say anything. Moving with extreme agility he was already at the black haired man sword in hand stabbing it though the heart. Silence fell all over.
Laughter as the dark aura grew.
The white haired man turned around.
"Now its your turn."
With no time to react the sword pierced my heart. Blood flowing from my chest and back. Everything turning white then black.
"I accept..."

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