The One 2

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Light and darkness swirled together as silence became a deafening sound. A aura appeared swirling with the light and darkness that over came them both then became both. A woman arose with long black and silver hair down her back with two parting bangs and a third going down the center of her head that was solid silver.
A figure appeared in front of the woman cloaked in black.
"So your choice was made..." The figure said.
Killy opened her eyes. The left one silver and the right one black. Killy looked around her own body.
"How...?" Killy started. "I was stabbed."
"You accepted the path." The figure moved forward. "So I made it possible for your path. Soon you will understand. For now you should rest. The time for action will be soon.

Eyes open wide while breathing slow. A man sits up and looks at the wall as it begins to bleed from multiple spots from cracks that formed. The wall starts to stretch from the middle as a point starts to form. A sword emerges from the wall then a man as well holding the sword. A woman is seen hovering motionless like she was sleeping.
"Death awaits you..." The man said with the sword. He stabs it through the heart and laughs. Blood poring to the floor.
A man sits up in bed. Sweat falling from face. Breathing rapid.
"Mother no..." He said realizing it was a dream.
The man gets out of the bed holding his face in his hand. Walking by a mirror black hair flows around. Eyes of black. Spiky hair in every direction with two bangs parting like sword points with a third going down the center of his face.
"What is the meaning of the dream...?" He asks himself. "I wont let you die mother..."
A whisper is heard.
Sepholi looks around looming for the cause of the whisper but nothing is there.
"The...Tem...ple..." Is heard from a distance.

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