Stuck in my mind

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just now realising that if dream had the mask on his lips wouldn't be able to touch George's ear so let's just ignor physics entirely okay?

Dream's POV

"I still want my answer, georgie~"

I felt him shiver, and decided I wanted to play around with him a bit (not in that way, get your mind out of the gutter- )

I grabbed onto his sides, just above his hips and held him against me, he was so red..

I lowered my face so it was close to his, he kept leaning back, so I kept leaning forward until he stopped moving back and just stared at me

I took off my mask to look him in the eyes, I could feel his breath on my face, and his mouth opened slightly as I took it off

George's POV

Why is he so close to my face??

I watched him take off his mask, dropping it on the ground beside his axe

He brought his face even closer, his breath was hot, and smelled fresh

"I'm not leaving until I get that answer.."

Shit. What do I say?

"I- I um.."

He never looked away from me, and I glanced around at the trees surrounding us, trying to think of something to say

"I was just saying.. Um.. That you're.. Uh.. "

Shit shit shit shit

"That you're really.. Uh.. Handsome?"

I started to get desperate, I just couldn't think of anything


He let go, backed up and started to pick up his mask and axe

"Good enough for me"


I was still standing there, half because I was shocked at what just happened, and half because I was trying to understand it

"Well, cya tonight then"

He winked at me before he put his mask on, rested the axe on his shoulder and walked away

I slumped against a tree and tried to make sense of it all

So.. What the hell.. He- he..

His face flashed across my mind, the feeling of his hands holding me, being pressed against him..

The feeling of his breath on my face

The sound of his voice when he whispered in my ear

Why is he so damn hot??

I couldn't get him out of my head

C'mon george, you don't even know his name.

Dreamnotfound (Georgenotfound x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now