The shining scales

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Dream's POV



I lifted up the covers a bit and looked at George

He was still curled into a little ball and sleeping

I put the covers back over him and tried to get up without waking him up

Grabbing my hoodie and putting it on as I walked out into the forest

I looked around, there were a couple chickens here and there, maybe one or two cows.

I walked for about an hour until I found a body of water, it wasn't tiny, but it wasn't like an ocean or anything close to that

Looking around, there were a lot of flowers, red, white, yellow, purple.. Just a bunch

There were still trees, and their reflection danced across the water

I walked around the lake, watching as the fish swam around under the water. Occasionally one would jump out, it's scales shining in the light

My fingers grazed the water

The water was warm, it felt nice

Maybe I'll come back with George after

I looked up, covering my eyes from the rays of the sun

I should start heading back

I looked around, finding the path that I took and starting to walk back

George's POV

I rubbed my eyes and sat up

I reached my arms up, stretching and yawning

I looked down at the bed beside me, it was empty


I thought back to my dream, not on purpose, it just happened

I felt my face get hot and covered it with my hands, they felt cold against my reddening cheeks



I slowly stood up, peaking my head out of the box

Looking around all I saw was a pig drinking out of a puddle

It must have been the stupid pig

I stepped outside, patting the wrinkles out of my shirt as I walked forward

I had my head down, all that was around was the stupid pig anywa-


I bumped into something, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact of hitting the ground

"You can open your eyes."

I felt someone's hand on my wrist, another on my back

I opened one eye and saw the guy was holding me

He had his mask off, it was hanging off the side of his belt, so I could see his face

I could feel his gaze burning into my eyes, his eyes slowly traced down my face to my lips, and I started to blush, it's not like he was standing a couple  feet away from me, he was holding me.

His face was so close to mine..

"You good?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, and my eyes widened

"UH- Y-Yeah! I-im fine!!"

He looked puzzled, I don't blame him though


He let go of me and walked off, I stood there for a good minute before turning to look at him

He was taking down the box, putting the blocks into his pocket as he started to break the bed

I walked towards him, as he finished breaking the bed he turned around, I was already stood behind him watching him


He grabbed my hand again and started walking into the forest, I gazed up at him, I couldn't see his face, only the mask he had put back on

I could slightly see his jaw line slightly under the mask, and I stared at that, letting him pull on my hand and guide me through the forest

Light occasionally broke through the leaves, seeming to blind me everytime. I put my hand up in defence and eventually resorted to just looking down

Feeling his hand no longer pull mine forward, I stopped and looked up at him once again

He was looking around, so I followed his gaze. 

There was a lake, a bunch of trees, and a small clearing towards the left of the lake

He let go of my hand and took the wooden planks out of his pocket and slowly started placing them

I walked over to the water and crouched (kinda squatted ig) to stare at the fishes, their scales shining silver as the light brushed their bodies

Suddenly a shadow blocked the light from hitting their scales and I turned to see what it was

And we're gonna end off the chapter here folks because the other ones were really short so I don't wanna just give you one long chapter out of the blue, drink some water, author-chan out

Dreamnotfound (Georgenotfound x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now