Chapter 1

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General Warnings: Swearing.

(Trigger warnings will appear inside the chapter and times where it starts and ends.)

Disclaimer: All of this is fictional and should not be taken seriously!

-Chapter is a bit Dream and Drista centric! Romance next chapter!~


Drista couldn't help but gaze at her brother's tense composure as they went home, a hint of sadness inside those green orbs. "What?" Dream asks, feeling that Drista was staring at him.

"N-Nothing..." She hurriedly replied, turning away, occupying herself by looking out the car's window.

"What's up with you staring at me ever since we left?"

Drista sighs, squinting her eyes. "You seemed bothered... Heck, you're always bothered! But you seemed more bothered today..."

"I'm not. I'm fine."

"Like hell you are, all you say is "I'm fine," then the next thing I know is that your gone."

Dream bites his lip, "It's been two years, forget about it."

"Forget about the day you tried to-"

"Drista." Dream cut her off, pushing his bangs off his left eye.

Drista fidgets with her bag strap, pushing back her own sorrow. "I'm just trying to help you..." She says, shutting her eyes.



"I just don't feel like I belong..."

Drista looks up at that, smiling when she thought of something. "How about this: I'll ask my friends if they wanna hang out tomorrow night, and you can come along. Is that okay? It's an excuse to get out of the house!"

Dream shrugs, taking out his tongue. "Meh, if it makes you happy, sure."


Dream just smiled and hummed in response.


It took about sixteen or eighteen minutes to get home, which they both dreaded but didn't have a choice. Both climbed off the car once Dream parked it. "I'm going next door to hang out with Niki. Wanna come? I'm sure she won't mind!"

Dream shook his head, "You do you."

"You sure?" Drista asks, clearly gesturing to the faint shouting inside their house.

"I'll be fine."

Drista gave her brother a wary look before hugging him and running towards Niki's house. "See ya!"

Dream giggled, walking over to the front porch, stopping just as he was about to reach for the doorknob.

"Would you shut the fuck up?!" A yell came from inside as Dream flinched. "You keep calling me out, but every fucking time, you just sit on your ass doing nothing but drink and drink!" His mother shouted.

Dream sighs, sitting down on a bench on the front porch. Going inside the house was literally suicide. He dug around his backpack, pulling out a headphone and an iPod, blasting on some music as he worked on his homework. The blond just sat there, drowning out all the incoherent noises from inside.

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