Chapter 12

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Author's Note:

hey guys sorry for this late update, i was busy due to some work...enjoy this chapter!!!




" I told you, i don't want to do this anymore. I don't want any part in it." mom put down the cutlery in her hands on the table with a loud 'bang' and left the room.

I could see this unfolding from my position on the stairs, careful so that no one could see me.

"What does she mean by 'any part in it'? Part in what?" I thought. I saw dad huffing, banging his hand loudly on the wall, not even wincing once after that. He groaned and went inside their room and closed the door.

There were shouting voices coming from the room. I don't want to eavesdrop but I want to know what was happening. I slowly went down the stairs and stood between the door and the stairs.

"Edward, I told you. I don't want to do it anymore. This... whatever you do...I don't want to be a part of it. This is your doing." Mom shouted behind the closed door.


Something fell on the floor inside the room, probably someone threw something and shatters could be heard from outside the room. This made my heart beat rise and in seconds I was filled with anxiety.

"You listen to me, you didn't have a problem with it when i was starting it. You didn't have a problem with the money from this when you were going to shop every 2 days. Emily... " Dad grunted loudly. " This will happen and I'm not asking you to be a part of it. Just give out the yellow packets to Max."

Who was max?

I tried to think of someone I knew, but no one came to my mind.

"Max can get whatever the hell he wants on his fucking own!. I'm your wife! Face him once. You run away like a fucking dog when he comes to get something. " Mom hissed loudly, her footsteps thumping loudly on the floor. Her footsteps grew louder and the knob of their bedroom turned and opened. I took a few steps backwards to hide behind the stairs.

Suddenly it closed with a loud thump. "You are not going anywhere, you agreed to help me build this empire. You agreed with everything, you knew everything. Then why the fuck are you troubling me now with this i-dont-want-a-part-in-this-attitude?! " His voice held so much anger and tone which I've never heard from him.

"If you don't agree to what I say or ask you to do" He continued and he walked inside the room " that daughter of yours will pay the price!"

Suddenly mom cried slightly "stop it Edward! Leave my arm. You're hurting me".

That is what all it took me to black out completely. My mind grew numb and it was like I couldn't see anything. What was happening?

My dad was a magazine editor. This is what I knew and was told since childhood. But this is something else. Why did he need mom's help? What was he asking her to do?

A few footsteps could be heard. "I'm sorry. Listen Emily, I need you with me okay? I can't back out as all what I've created is mine and you are going to help me from the home side okay?" He took a pause. "Okay?" He asked again this time louder and in a harsher tone.

"Yes" Mom cried.

I couldn't comprehend it. What were they talking about? Was there anything else hidden from me?

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