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Jennie bit back her irritation as the dark haired girl raised her hand yet again. Jisoo Kim - resident know-it-all. The girl was dominant, confident and bossy and as far as Jennie was concerned, extremely annoying. It wasn't that Jennie didn't know a thing or two herself - she was smart and confident as well. But there were ways to be in class and always raising your hand, always pushing for more, always asking for the professor to delay a slide so she could write down every-fucking-thing was quite simply too much.

If Jisoo Kim in class was bad, Jisoo Kim in the library was worse. She would have books Jennie hadn't even thought of looking at in piles on her desk, and would be making notes and revision cards and looking irritated with anyone making noise around her. It drove Jennie insane with irritation, because she herself was a perfectionist and Jisoo was somehow always one upping her in a war Jisoo didn't even know they were fighting. It was nearly as bad as when she corrected the professor, which she was currently doing, causing Jennie to huff, roll her eyes and sink down in her seat, texting Lisa surreptitiously,

Jennie: OMG, she's always gotta point out the crap the profs got wrong

Lisa: You're at Harvard - the prof shouldn't be getting it wrong

Jennie: Yeah, yeah, I can read up around a topic too but has she really gotta point out their errors like she does? Seriously, only this girl. She's just so annoying about it

Lisa: So you knew your prof was wrong?

Jennie: No.

Jennie: I've got Ms. Know-It-All to catch his mistakes for me.

Lisa: sir, sir, I think if you read Harper and Collins that....

Jennie: Did you just cite random publishers to mimic the girl?

Lisa: I'm a mechanic so yeah. And I know you read up far more than you're letting on and know a shit load of crap too so don't pretend you're too cool for school

Jennie: Yeah, well I'm not annoying about it. She's so fucking uptight

Jennie: Probably from the perma wedgie she got given in elementary school

Lisa: Perma wedgie? That sounds pleasant

Jennie: There's no way baby Jisoo got through school without a wedgie or three. Those glasses, that stack of books and her hand *constantly* in the air...

Lisa: Were you a bully that wedgied poor unsuspecting know-it-alls?

Jennie: Of course I wasn't, but I knew people that would. Think back to Rosé's brother

Lisa: Kyungsoo?

Jennie: Yeah, he'd have given baby Jisoo a hard time. I can picture it now - little Jisoo sat perched on the back of a bench, big book on her knee, reading with those glasses and Kyungsoo would have wondered over and just pushed her backwards off that bench. He was always doing asshole things like that.

Lisa: I bet she's not so bad. Send me a pic.

Jennie sneakily raised her phone and shot a photo of Jisoo's side profile, all button up shirt, French braid and glasses and sent it to Lisa.

Lisa: The nerd is hot!!

Jennie: The nerd is not

Lisa: She's so bad you can't even see she's pretty. Wow! Say no more.

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