Chapter Five: The Other Side

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Again, this chapter was not edited at all because I'm lazy ngl :)


It had been a couple days since Claudia and Soren stepped into the portal. So far, they'd gathered that this was definitely not anywhere in Xadia or The Human Kingdoms.

They hadn't seen any mages or magical creatures so far so Claudia concluded that this was a world without magic. They did however see people manipulating rocks, meaning there was another form of non-magic going on.

"Found their magical trail yet?" Soren groaned, almost collapsing on his horse.

"Not yet, Soren," Claudia sighed. It was significantly harder to do magic with the stash of Xadian magical creatures running low.

She needed to find an alternative source of dark magic quickly if she was going to defend herself and carry out her mission.

Soren on the other hand was more worried about them than the mission. They'd eaten twice since they got here, and it was only thanks to Claudia's dwindling cache. Plus their horses were running on fumes.

"Claudia, let's put finding Callum and the dragon on pause for the time being."

"Why? The sooner we find them, the sooner we can leave this weird magic-less world."

"If our horses don't find something to eat, we won't be leaving anywhere," he pointed out. "And I'm pretty much starving too."

As soon as he said that, Claudia's stomach growled loudly. Soren gave her a knowing look and she rolled her eyes good-naturedly. Looked like they were in unspoken accord.

"Look!" Soren pointed at the ridges in the horizon. "That looks like a town!"

"How wonderfully convenient! Come on!"

She tugged at the reins of her horse and they picked up speed towards the town, Soren following not too far behind.

At the bottom of her heart, Claudia thought that this was way too much trouble for some elf and dragon. They both did. Transcending dimensions was not an everyday occurrence.

But their father was their father.

And the elves did assassinate King Harrow. If there was even the slightest chance of the Xadians using the dragon as ammunition to finish off the humans, they needed to eliminate that threat. About the princes...

Soren chose not to think too much about that. 'I'll cross that bridge when I get there' was his mantra. And that bridge was approaching.

Upon arrival of the town, their excitement fizzled out at its state. It was almost like a ghost town, with hardly any life to it. Most of the buildings were one strong breeze away from collapsing – even the best ones were in bad shape. Even the people loitering about the town looked like they had given up on life.

But to the people, Soren and Claudia looked very interesting. Their only source of excitement since the war began was the light-haired boy in full armor and the dark-haired girl in all black. In this scorching heat.

"Maybe we should get off and keep going on foot?" Claudia suggested quietly, noticing the attention they were drawing to themselves.


Keeping a low profile was key. If word got around about strange strangers, it could get to their targets and make finding them even harder. Then again, Claudia was sure they weren't exactly blending in with this world. Especially the elf and her... unique features.

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