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Jeongin POV

"Jeongin? Jeongin snap out of it"Jisung shouting, shaking me violently. 

Huh? Did I zone out again? wow great going Jeongin on your first day too.

"Huh? Where did everyone go?"I asked, looking around the partly empty classroom.

"Oh pshh, Everyone ran to get a party invitation as soon as Jackson shouted 'PARTY ON FRIDAY'" Jisung smirked. As if Jackson was ears dropping, he came in on cue and handed us party initiations at his villa. Classic rich kids, he's always been rich since primary school I mean he handed us some whiskey called BamBam at his last party when we were 12.

"Jeongin? I didn't think that you would attend her until I heard half of the school shouting your name. Tsk, and I quote 'I am not going to a stupid rich snotty school for all I care you can all suck on a dick'" Jackson laughed, putting in quotation marks with his fingers.

"It's all for Jisung's sake" I replied, sure that was partly a lie and I actually wanted to find Jinnie and clown high was not really the place to find a past lover but Jackson doesn't need to know about my personal life.

"Sounds fake but whatever and a reminder if your gonna fuck at my party bring your own condoms" Jackson snickered before leaving up with our jaws hanging.

There's going to be people banging? I mean it is a party of alcohol and teenagers but like-

"Uhmmm forget the fucking part Innie, lets go get some lunch"  Jisung stuttered, leading me out of the classroom when he bumped into somebody.

"Oh my god, I am so so sorry please forgive me Minho Hyung" Jisung apologised multiple times whilst bowing.

"fuck I'm going to kill you- shit I can't kill pretty angels" The supposed Minho murmured before walking away.

"D-Did The Minho the schools bully just call me pretty and an angel?" Jisung gasped with an extreme amount of jungshook on his face.

"D-Did The Minho the schools bully just call me pretty and an angel?" Jisung gasped with an extreme amount of jungshook on his face

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-I'm sorry this is short i didn't know what to do with the rest of the chapter so I improvised and added some bits and pieces. 

Do Drugs and Stan CatRacha C:

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