
38.8K 1.8K 334


I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but I am concerned about Halle. She constantly falls asleep throughout the day and I just want to make sure she's getting enough sleep at home. I mentioned this to Mr. Clifford since he picks her up for you, but he insisted that I tell you. I'm sorry again if I offended you, that was not my intention at all. Have a great day Mr. Irwin :)

Sam Riggs


She's a baby, babies sleep a lot. I'm not sure why you felt the need to email me about this. If you think that she is not being cared for properly, you could not be more wrong. I sleep a lot too, so I guess she just takes after her daddy. I hope I have cleared things up for you. Have a great day as well Ms. Riggs :)

Ashton Irwin

*the excitement for this story is too strong, it's pronounced Halle guys, like Halle Berry lololol*

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