Chapter eleven

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I wake up to loud noises and banging sounds. I look down at myself relieved I still have my clothes on,except for the jacket I had earlier.I pull the covers off as i sit up on the bed.

"NATE!OPEN THIS BLOODY DOOR. Let me in . I need to see her." I cover my ears as the voices ring in my head. My head falls back on the pillow as a small pain hits the side of my head.

" I don't know what you did to her ,but I  am surely not opening this door. ."

A switch clicks in my mind and events of earlier in my head. My mum calling, Kevin, Riley injecting me ,Nate tending to me,the messages.

I didn't forget. Haha! I didn't forget.  I sign in relief as I sit up again

" NATE I'M NOT FUCKING WITH YOU RIGHT NOW . OPEN THE DOOR." Riley's voice echoes throw the door and Nate rushes to my side.

" Are you okay? " He asks concern swimming in his voice.

" You were burning up and crying in your sleep. You kept on saying your body hurts . I was seconds away from rushing you to the hospital. "

A weak smile stretches on my lip as i push at his shoulder.

"Careful. Someone might think you have feelings for me." He laughs ,shaking his head .

" Unbelievable. " He helps me stand up taking me to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet as Nate fixes my toiletries for me.

" So what are we going to do about tantrum lady and her penguins. "  He asks as he fills the bathtub with water.

"Revenge." He looks at me before placing my towel on the sink.

" I'm going to drive them insane.  And you are going to take part in it." I watch as that playful smirk tugs on his lips. Surprisingly it doesn't bother me. I look at the time on the digital clock by the counter seeing it's already 8: 30 PM. I was out  that long!The camp fire starts in a few hours.

Nate leaves and i take a quick shower ,drying myself before stepping out. I find him at the desk typing something on his laptop. It's weird seeing him serious. I walk to the closet pulling out my inner garments . I open my suitcase pulling out my denim mum jeans, my maroon baggy sweater that has jocker's face imprinted at the front and a purple vest top. Striding back into the bathroom, I change quickly not bothering to put any eyeliner because it's late. Apart from the small puffiness around my eyes ,I feel and look great. I pull my hair up in a messy bun while stepping out with my towel.

I walk towards the laundry bin ,placing the towel inside.

" What happened to Riley?" I ask walking towards him.

" I told her you were still out and she left." He looks at me waiting for a reaction in which I shrug my shoulders. He turns back to the screen as I slip my white socks on.

I take my laptop from my bag, sitting on the bed. As soon as I open it ,over two hundred emails pop up on my notifications.

" Damn girl are you seriously that popular?"

Nate asks as he hears more emails flood in.

" You'll be surprised. "
I have an hour and a half to go through all this before the the camp fire. I crack my knuckles, stretch my neck and attack the key board. This baby is back on business.

I finish everything including any future work fifteen minutes before time. I close my laptop falling back on my bed.

" Need coffee?" Nate appears from the door with two mugs in his hand. And his shirtless. The boy sure got abs. I didn't even notice he left.

Christal ChambersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora