We Were Meant To Be

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Y/n is a 21 year old girl who just moved to Australia because she wanted to start fresh and get away from everyone from her past and meet new people but little did she know she was going to meet the love of her life.

(Y/n POV)
I was getting the last of the things from the moving van to bring inside my new home. It was a pretty big house very nice to work in peace. You see I like to make videos about make up tutorials and sometimes I like to do a QnA but... recently I've been getting a lot of hate comments saying that I'm ugly and I should stop making videos and that really hurt because I've been dealing with depression since I lost my parents when I was 19 and I've been on my own ever since. I thought to myself at least I have my friends,but since I started gaining more subscribers I started to see their true colors they just wanted me so they could gain popularity, so I made a decision, I was going to move far away from here away from everyone and everything I was going to stop making videos for a while and rethink everything that's been happening. I decided to move to Australia because in my head I thought it would be nice but I have to admit I was very nervous because I would not know anyone there but I was also very excited because I would get to meet knew people.

(Time skip)

It's been about a week since I've moved and I've been trying to get use to the area and going out of the house. I haven't met the neighbor but I have seen him and let me say he is so cute and he has the most adorable smile. He's always  with this group of guys and I always here screaming and laughing coming from the house which always makes me giggle.Today I decided to go to a park nearby and have a little time to relax and let loose and as I'm walking I see a familiar person sitting on a bench and to my surprise it was the neighbor he was on his phone so he didn't see me but I just couldn't keep my eyes off him and how adorable he was wearing his beanie and I was so distracted staring at him and I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and I tripped RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! I heard him chuckle a bit and then he stood up and held his hand out,"hey are u ok?" he asked I grabbed his hand and got up,"y-yeah"I said all embarrassed and as red as a tomato. He smiled at me and I smiled back still super embarrassed,"I'm josh btw"he said smiling,"I'm Y/n it's so nice finally to meet you" I said he looked a little confused,"wat do u mean by finally?" He asked "Oh right I'm your new neighbor I just moved into the house next to yours"he looked a little surprised at first and then he had a big smile,"why so happy?" I asked him confused, "I'm happy because I know that this won't be the last time we see each other" he said with a smirk and I blushed and giggled( his accent is so hot) I thought to myself. "Would you like to come over to my house sometime and meet my roommates, they are a little crazy and funny"he said getting me out of my thoughts,"sure I would love to"I said with a smile and a little giggle. "Ok then I'll see you around I guess"he said with a smile on his face,"y-yeah I guess so"I said looking into his eyes his beautiful blue eyes it was like looking into the sky itself and for some reason my heart was pounding super fast and I felt like I couldn't breathe and before I knew what I was doing I couldn't control my body I pulled Josh's face close to mine and I KISSED HIM and surprisingly he kissed back and I pulled away and he look surprise I regained movement in my body and I was so embarrassed I just ran away to my house and didn't even say goodbye I heard him calling after me but I didn't listen. I got home tired from running and just broke down and cried thinking he probably hated me and thought horrible things as I went to the bathroom to take a bath and process what just happened.

(Josh POV)
I been feeling down lately so I decided to go to the nearby park to relax a bit I told my roommates and then was on my way, I was a little bored after a while so I sat on a bench and looked at my phone until someone tripped and fell right in front of me I chuckled a bit at first but then I got up and held my hand to help her up. Once I did I got to see her face better and let me tell you this girl was beautiful. We had a short conversation and it turns out she is my new neighbor and I didn't even notice but I was super happy because I knew I would get to see her again. We made plans about her coming over and we were about to say goodbye when we stared into each others eyes and I felt goosebumps because her eyes were so beautiful . We stood there for a bit and before I knew it she pulled me closer to her and KISSED ME! I was surprise but I kissed her back and it was amazing but she then pulled away and ran away from me and I tried calling after her but she just kept running and all I could think was if I did something wrong and I went home sad and a little confused on wat happened but all I could think about was that kiss and how good it made me feel. Every time I thought about that kiss it would make me smile it's been a couple days since that happened and I haven't heard from
Y/n so I decided I would go next door and talk to her because after thinking for a while I finally realized that I really like her and I want to be with her so I got out of the house and made my way next door.

(Y/n POV)
It's been a couple days since I kissed josh and I haven't heard from him so I thought he hated me for what I did and he didn't want to see me ever again, just thinking about it is making my eyes water because I really liked him and I wanted to be with him I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man even if I just met him it feels like I've known him for years but now that can never happen because I'm so stupid and ugly he would never want someone like me. I started to cry in the living room when I heard a knock at my door I wiped away my tears and went to the door wondering who it could be because it was getting late and I was shocked when I opened the door to see none other than the next door neighbor Josh standing there with a huge smile.

(Josh POV)

I walked to the door and I heard crying coming from the inside of the door so I knocked on it and soon I see the door open and I see y/n standing there with a look of shock but I noticed her eyes were red and her cheeks were puffy she was crying and that just broke my heart and before she could say anything I ran up to her and gave her a hug. She hugged back and nuzzled her face into my neck which made me smile because all I wanted to do is make her feel better no matter what. Before I knew what I was doing I whispered in her ear,"I love you y/n" she pulled away from the hug and looked at me she had a tear coming down her cheek,"wats wrong?" I said worried she didn't feel the same way but I was surprised when she jumped on me and wrapped her arms and legs around me and whispered in my ear," I love you to josh" I couldn't believe it I just hugged her and never wanted to let her go.

(Y/n POV)
HE SAID HE LOVES ME, I was in shock I could believe it but I was also happy so I jumped on him and wrapped my arms and legs and told him I loved him as well he just hugged me and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world and I was so happy and I didn't want this happiness to end.

(Josh POV)
This was the happiest day of my life and I just knew...

(Y/n POV)
I have never felt like this before with anyone and I just knew...

(Josh and Y/n POV)
We were meant to be.

The End

This was the end of my first one shot Sorry if it was a bit long I hope you enjoyed It and I will be taking request on who you would like to see next and some ideas for the next story.
Thank you 😁😋🥰

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