5; A Party to Remember

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After changing out of my mourning attire, I went back to the mess tent. Everyone sat crowded at a single table just chatting. I sat down in the only available spot and listened in. It being Halloween had a smile glued to my face. Paul had taken notice apparently, "What's got you all cheery'd up Lucy?" Paul asked as I traced the wooden table's pattern. "Oh, nothing really. Tomorrow is just really special to me." I say, looking up from the paint chipped table. "Why? What's tomorrow?" Suzi asked from across me. "Tomorrow is my birthday and something special happens." I say excited. "You mean besides getting older?" Eve says causing the table to laugh. "Yes. It's difficult to explain, but something happens to me every year on the midnight of Halloween and only on Halloween. So, if I look a bit different, don't freak out." I say looking at each of them.

"So your birthday is tomorrow and you didn't tell any of us? How am I supposed to find you a present in a day?" Ethel hollers from behind me, evidently listening in on our conversation. "Oh no, that's not necessary. You don't have to get me anything." I say holding up my hands in defense. "Lucy Churchill, that is a load of bull crap if you honestly think we wouldn't get you something for your birthday. Now tell me, how old are you gonna be?" She asks sternly with her hands on her hips.

"Uh, 18." I say moving a stand of hair behind my ear. "Oh, the big one eight, huh?" Paul says leaning over the table raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. "Oh, come off it Paul, we all know she wants Jimmy." Eve says pulling him back. My face burns at the mention of Jimmy. "Is it that obvious?" I ask shyly. With sheepish faces, they all nod in unison. I released a stress filled sigh as I looked at my lace covered fingers. "Well then, I guess it can't be helped. I do like Jimmy." I confess as I look at the mother of the boy I had fallen head over heels for. "Its quite hopeless isn't it though? I mean look at me." My mouth goes dry and I can feel my face scrunching up. All was quiet and my friends all held solemn faces. I clear my throat, "So, uh, how do birthdays work around here?" I ask plastering on a fake smile as I look to the group.

My rambunctious friends explained the simple fun of birthdays in their quaint little home. We laughed and talked for what felt like hours and before I knew it the sun was setting on the tiny town of Jupiter. I was so excited I hardly slept. I even almost forgot to do my usual nightly prayers. I tossed and turned all night with a smile.

Sunrise finally came and so had my special day. I got ready in a flash. Throwing on my nicest dress and shoes. Not forgetting my gloves as I did more make up than usual and added a bow atop my ponytail. I practically skipped my way to the mess tent.

All day I had been banned from the big top tent. I wasn't even allowed to rehearse or help with the chores. Later that night, Eve came to my tent, a blind fold in hand. She led me to the big top tent and when I was given permission to remove the red cloth, the entire troupe screamed "Surprise!". The party was full of food, chatter, and laughter. When it was time to open presents Eve gave me hers first. It was a long rectangle wrapped in green paper with a purple bow. I ripped open the paper and inside was a violin case. I clicked it open. My eyes went wide and my lip quivered from pure joy.

"Thank you Eve, so much. Th-this means the world to me." I say as my fingers graze over the smooth wood. It was a brand new violin, no scratches, no paint, nothing. The aroma of pine and rosin was intoxicating to my senses. I pulled out the clean refined bow and pulled it across the strings a few times. Playing various happy notes to expresses my joy. Finishing the song with a few plucks of the strings with my fingers. Earning a small round of applause from the troupe which made me laugh. "Here you go hon'. We had to scrape a bit of cash from the box office to get it. Don't tell Elsa." Ethel whispered at the end and gave me a wink. The pink box was flat and was tied with a yellow ribbon. I pulled off the ribbon and lifted the top. Folded neatly inside was a brand new blue and white polka dotted dress with a bow tied around the waist.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I stood up and hugged Ethel. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much." I say pulling away and looking back at the dress. "Anything for you, you little devil." She says giving my cheek a light pinch. "Now go try it on! I wanna make sure it fits ya." She says pushing me to the stage so I can get to the changing room. Dress in hand, I go back stage and change. The dress fits me perfectly. I walk out, everyone applauds and whistles, causing my cheeks to turn a deeper shade of red.

The party continued long after I had left to my own tent. Yet, I did not sleep. Instead, I waited for the feeling. For the miracle.

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