Intro-Your New Job.

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        It was the summer of 1987..

        You opened the brightly neon lit doors to the pizzeria. You looked around as you saw the life that filled the establishment flow vividly. The fresh aroma of oven baked pizza, the happy children that ran about, ever so excited to be at the fun filled wonderland. You saw parents sitting at the booths eating pizza, watching their children or starting small chats among one another. 

        You walked to one of the empty booths, sitting down you looked around a bit. You saw the stage which stood three animatronic animals singing and entertaining the children. To thw far left was a purple bunny with a bow tie and strumming a red guitar, to the right was a yellow orange beaked chicken with a bib doing back up vocals and in the center stood a brown bear with a top hat and bow tie holding a microphone singing cheerily with a robotic twitch.

Everything seemed ordinary. Your mother was just entering the establishment when you saw her in your gaze. You raced over, a cheeky smile on your face as you dragged her to where you sat, you were excited to roam with the other children and begged her. She gave in and you ran about ready to explore as she ordered pizza for the both of you.

You raced to the stage, a few other children already there singing to some of the lyrics or simply cheering. You gazed up, your large (e/c) eyes widening in delight. Suddenly the bear looked down at you, the song had ended and all the kids departed from near the stage, off to play with members of the band or eat pizza. You gasped in awe as it bent on one knee.

"M-my my, what's your name there little one?" It asked friendly.

"(f/n)." You said slowly as you watched  the bear step down from the stage.

"That's a great name!" He cheered making you smile. "My name's Freddy! Freddy Fazbear!" He laughed cheerily causing you to do the same. You asked if he wanted to play. "Sure, how about we play 'Follow The Freddy?' " You thought about it, then shook your head considering it was basically 'Follow The Leader'.  You thought then decided on tag. You tagged Freddy then ran of into a small crowd of other children. He raced after you laughing happily when suddenly a scream of a child was heard. Everyone was rushing past you, screaming, crying or just panicking. 

You saw your mother rush over and scoop you up by the underarms. You saw through the mist of panicking adults and children that your mother had left her purse behind. It was too far by now as your mother ran to the entrance of the building in a rush. You two made it to the parking lot and she set you down to grab her keys. You ran from your place by her side, Running as fast as your legs could carry you back towards the pizzeria. 

"(f/n) no!" She cried out in panic and worry as your small form disappeared through the glowing neon doors. You found her purse almost immediately, grabbing it, you made a dash for the door when you saw a red fox, with an eye-patch and a hook hand. You stop for a few seconds. Not knowing if you stopped in fear or curiosity, but you wondered why his mouth and hook were covered in what looked like fruit punch.

You suddenly snapped from your daze when a man in purple, looking only a bit older than your mom picked you up and rushed out the entrance. You looked back at the restaurant. You were very confused and more importantly-afraid. Especially as he handed you to your mother and you remembered when you'd scrapped your knee and that red stuff came out the scrape. You now remembered what it was.


You looked up at the sign, sighing you pulled your jacket up as the cold fall breeze blew and opened the doors with  a heavy heart. You knew the guilt burrowed within you was going to eat you up, so  you decided after you applied for the night watch job at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, you'd confess to your mother that you had disobeied her order and apologize.

You looked around, it seemed as if no one had came around after the bite of 87'. You sort of felt a bit down about this. But never the less you called out with a hopefull voice.

"Hello? I uh, saw the ad in the newspaper and wanted to apply for the job.."

You saw a man walk from a blot of darkness in the far back of the room. The place looked the same as it had the last time you visited, it smelt of dust and old soda. You looked around, everything was still in place since the last time, nothing had changed except the lighting and the aging exterior of the place.

 You recognized him as the owner, you greeted him with an open palm and a small smile as he gestured to the door. 

"So  you say, you're looking to get the night watch?"

He asked slowly.

"Yes," You started.

"Does someone already have it or-"

"Oh no no," He said in an assuring aged voice.

"Not at all, it's just..No one really looks for a job in this old place."

He scratched his head before putting his cap back on.


You didn't know how to take that  so fast talking your way out of potentially insulting the aged fellow you came to a clever compromise.

"Well I'm an old friend of the franchise, I really liked it here as a kid and..."

"Ah I see, well then if its that important I don't see any harm!"

He chuckled dustily, a closed eyed warm smile across his wrinkled features.

You smiled back and shook his hand once more as you aided him to his car, he slipped in and gave a small wave, you returned the favor and he called out as you turned to walk.

"Ah, be in tonight by eleven. You'll find all of your things in the office. I'm sure you'll know where that is."

You nodded and he gave a small smile before starting his car. You turned and began to walk back home breaking down how you would approach your mother with your job placement.

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