Partners in Crime

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Found this image on the internet and it best describes what I was going for when thinking about Jaune's armour. Of course, no wings and helmet, and the cape comes on when it gets cold and a heater shield. Hope it helps! 



Jaune stabbed the robot with his sword and brought it close to himself. The groaning of the wrought metal protested the movement as it groaned and strained. The crackle of the broken wiring underneath forced the bot into a spasm. Jaune brought his foot up and kicked it away, sending the automation on the floor. Running up, Jaune jumped and brought sword down on its neck, crumpling the throat and the bot finally whirred to a stop, the lights of life fading.

Jaune stood and sheathed his sword in the shield, sighing as the bot was carried by smaller bots to a locker room. It joined a pile of disjointed metal, limp and bent out of commision. Jaune scratched the back of his head as he walked back to his bag which he had set in the corner of the wall.

Dropping the sword on the duffel, he stripped off the black tank-top that was soaked in sweat and clinged to his skin. A towel he fished from the depth of his baggage draped over his neck and a water bottle spewing water into his mouth, Jaune let his mind whir to a stop, adrenaline dying away. 

Looking at his scroll, he realized he had less than a hour minutes to shower and ready himself before breakfast time. Throwing the blue bottle in the bag and trudging to the showers, Jaune took his exit from the white and chrome Signal practice room.

Its bathroom as ornate as the training room, Jaune stepped into a stall and turned the knob to a safe setting. Warm water spewed and flowed down his body, soothing the sores and bruises as he ran his hands through his hair.

A small pain in his temple flared, and he hissed in pain and leaned his head on the porcelain tiles. The Divine Order had a side effect that gave him migraines periodically as his body and mind became accustomed to the elevated senses and thought process that came when he used it. Each time, he could feel the pain like a hot iron branding him with a scar. 

Jaune grumbled as the pain passed, sighing as he scrubbed shampoo on his golden locks. He needed to get better and fighting without the Divine Order. Sure, it was cool, but the pain was pretty terrible, and Jaune wanted to keep it as a last resort, an ace under his sleeve. But now, in his state, he was going all out every time, laying down all his cards for the opposition to see.

As a tactical brain, that just wasn't good enough. 

A combatant, he reasoned as he stepped out of the shower in his towel and dripping hair, should always have a trick that would keep their opposition guessing and off-rhythm. The Divine Order was just that; a boost in form when he needed it. 

Shaking the last droplets from his hair and slipping into his uniform, he straightened the creases in his attire. The white polo buttoned up to his neck and the sleeves folded to the elbows, the bottom part of his red tie hidden neatly under the black cotton vest, his whole upper attire tucked into his grey slacks. Grabbing his duffel bag and tossing his equipment with his armour in his locker, he strolled out as he checked his scroll.

A message from Yang made Jaune raise his eyebrows. Sure, the project over the weekend cemented their friendship, but Jaune figured she would just forget about him. He was wrong, as a good morning and a request to be picked up flashed on his screen. 

According to the scroll, there was 5 minutes before he was supposed to meet her in front of the girl's dormitory. Sighing as subjected himself to a walk back to the dorms, Jaune shouldered his bag and stepped to the beat of Valean funk and indie.

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