chapter 3

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Im home" i said reluctantly. "Oh, son you're here. Let's eat first, i'm sure you're tired from work" she flashed a smile on me but i just head on to my room. "I'm not hungry, i'll sleep now" i threw my coat at the floor and layed at my bed.

Remembering all the scenes that had happened recently, i can't help but to tear up. How could she possibly forget about me? And it only get worse looking at her eyes saying that she's not lying. But how did it ended up like this? is there something i didn't know? 

"I wish you'll still remember how i loved you" i whispered looking at her picture on my lockscreen. I wiped my tears away as i felt my eyes slowly closing. Maybe i should rest now, i can't handle all this pain inside me.


"Ah...sir?" i was interrupted when nayeon suddenly came in. "What is it?" i said while still looking at my laptop doing bussiness things. "I...i just wanna ask if how was the interview yesterday." i suddenly stopped and looked at her, what is she trying to say? "In what position is she?" she added. 

What should i suppose to say? the interview didn't go well yesterday. It all turned out be an unexpected meeting with her. "Sir?" i looked back at her again. "For'll hire her as my personal assistant" i said, making her jaw almost dropped. What's wrong with that? in that case, atleast she would be able to remember me when were together all the time right?

"Is there something else you wanna say?" "Ah..none sir. I'll just call her"  i nodded and went back to what i was doing. "I almost forgot.........she'll start now" she nodded as she closes the door. 

I wish this would help her to remember me, about us. I would do everything just to get her back, even if this is all it takes then i wouldn't hesitate to do so. I'll find my own way to know what happened to her.

Sana's P.O.V

What should i do today? the interview yesterday was epic, but did he really know me? but how? when? why couldn't i remember even a single thing about him? my mind is full of damn questions that i can't even answer.

All my life had turned into a complete mess. No job, no money and no memory in my past life, how could i possibly live my life that way? 

I was about to go to the bathroom when nayeon suddenly  called. "Sanaya, you're hired!" she excitedly said that i have to distance my phone from my ear because of her voice being so loud. But is this legit?!

"Oh, i---" 

"You wouldn't believe what's your position" 

"Why? what is it? is it too hard?"

"Nope, actually everyone had been dreaming about it"

"what is it?"

"You'll be the personal assistant of the C.E.O! omo! you're such a lucky one" 

"Does that mean i'll be by his side eveytime?" 

"Kinda, oh i'm so jealous of you" jealous? just because of that position? it's nothing compare than the others.

"When will i start?" 

"Today! you better get ready right now, byee. I'll call you later"


"Oh! and please wear your formal attire, im sure you'll look better wearing those."

I hang up the phone and started jumping in joy. Atlast i have something better to do in life rather than staying at home and doing nothing but trying to remember everything had happened my whole life.

"Thank you lord!" i screamed as i happily went to the bathroom and get dressed for work today. This day might be the happiest day of my life.

I stared at my reflection on the mirror fixing my hair and outfit. Admiring at myself, i suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. How come did he even hired me after what had happened? didn't i disappoint him? 

I wanted to apologize to him but in what way? how could i face him? im too embarassed to the point that i started blaming myself for all of that. I couldn't do anything but to stand there and stare at him saying random things about me,..............about us .

"Sanaya!! remember not to be late this time, he's been looking for you" i read nayeon's last message and immidiately sighed before picking up my bag and went out of my room. "why are you dressed up like that? are you meeting someone?" mom asked.

"I already have a job mom, and today is my first day" she walked towards me and tucked my hair behind my ears. "Are you sure you can work now? it may---" "Mom, i'll be fine don't worry too much about me" i smiled at her and gave her a tight hug before i go on my way. 

The whole ride was in silent mode and the traffice wasn't that long like the other day. I kept on looking at my phone the whole journey and was trembling all the way because i'll be able to see him again. 

Should i avoid on looking in his eyes? should i just keep on being silent as if i was just a wind around him? i began questioning myself again. I don't know what exactly to do once i enter that building again for the second time around. 

Third person's P.O.V

Sana arrived at the exact time she's instructed to be there. Walking along the path she was walking, she couldn't help to be nervous every step she's taking along the way.

Anyone would probably feel like what she's been feeling right now. How could you deal with  the person who truly knows you but you can't even remember even a tiny detail about him? Things like this would even get worse if this continues along the way.

"Good morning sir.." she greeted with a smile on her face and stood up infront of him. "About what happened yesterday.....i'd like to apologize" "No, it''s fine." she felt awkwardness along the way.  Trying to avoid looking into his eyes.

"So.. as what secretary Im has told you. Is it okay for you?" he said making sure she wouldn't be tired. "It's fine, i was actually looking for a job all this time so i took this chance" 

"I'll be having a meeting this afternoon please make sure you'll be there too...... beside me" he tried to smile at her looking through her eyes, he sense sadness in her. If this would be the only way to solve things then he's willing to do everything it takes to be loved back by her. 

Strong girl (taesana ver.) :Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora