chapter 6

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Sana's P.O.V

"Bye, nabongs! see you tommorow!" i waved goodbye at her and watch her get in the car and leave. Hmm...i have to walk alone again since i haven't bought a car yet. I always wanted to but im not that type of person who's expert in saving such money. 

"Oh" i mumbled when my phone suddenly rings. "Hello? who's this?"

"Sanaya, it's me momo"

"Momo? oh yeah why did you call? aren't you in paris?"

"I just came back here earlier, im sorry i forgot to message you."

"You could've atleast told me too, i could've help you pick up your things at the airport"

"No, its fine. Where are you anyway? i'm already here at your house with someone."

"Someone? who? did you brought your boyfriend?"

"No no no. it's a secret i can't tell you right now. That's why you should hurry up"

"Ok, i'll just call an uber"

"And don't forget to buy me some jokbal"

"Yeah sure, that's your fav how would i forget that? hehe i'll hang up now"

"Okii bye"

I chuckled and hang up the call. I wonder why she came back here at seoul. Is she homesick? maybe she misses home? but isn't she in a rush? She came there about 3 days ago and came back here already. 

It's not that i don't want her here......its just kinda strange though. "Thanks" i smiled and grabbed the jokbal i ordered take out for momo. She really loves this food ,like she's been hypnotized or suddenly become a monster everytime she sees this kind of food and just smack everything into her mouth, like a black hole.ㅋㅋ

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was arranging my files when my phone suddenly rings so i take a look at it. "Annyeong taehyung ah" i heard momo's voice. 

"Oh! its you momoring. why did you call?"

"I just got home from paris and i wanted you to visit at sana's place i'll call her to come home too"

"Sure....we'll have a long talk. was there something that had happened to her?"

"I'm sorry, we haven't told you yet but we'll explain everything to you once you get here"

"Hmm i'll just finish this things up and get there ASAP"

She hanged up the phone so i continued on doing the things i still need to finish before i go off. 'I'm sorry, we haven't told you yet but we'll explain everything to you once you get here' i was right about what i'd been thinking. Something did happened and they kept it a secret from me. 

But why? i could've helped them. Why did they have to do that? i just wanted to know if what she's been doing or if she's doing fine. I'm just thinking about her to the point that i can't even sleep comfortably at night while she's rushing through my mind every single night and day or time passes by.

After a few minutes passed by, i reached her home. The home i always wanted to visit since then. "He's here" i heard their voices inside as i opened the front door. "It's great to see you again, you grew more handsome than the last time i saw you" sana's mom greeted me with a smile.

I shyly rubbed my neck and sat at the couch.  After three years nothing seemed to change inside this place i once called home. The picture frames attached on the walls just seemed to be a lot of more than the last day i've came here. I touched them one by one and my fingers led me to the last one at the center. 

I smiled looking at it. "She posted that picture herself after she got fired in her previous jobs" her mom said. "She said she'll just look at it whenever she's sad or she misses you, and even slept in her room while hugging that" she added. This is the picture i captured with her when were still in collage. I can't believe she photocopied it and put it in a frame.

"But sadly, she forgot about that and wouldn't believe that she's the one who attached that" i put it back again and stay seated. "What did happened to her? why didn't you tell me?" i looked at one of their faces avoiding to look at me. 

"She was hit by a car while walking home" momo confessed. "Got hit by a car? and you didn't even think to tell me what's going on" i tried to stay calm as possible. "It wasn't her fault tae.." "Then who's was it?" can't they just get straight to the point?!

They remained silent and did nothing but to stare down at the floor. I hate being like this, i hate myself when i'm mad especially when it comes to her! 

"Its my fault" a man's voice interrupted our conversation. The three of us looked at the front door where he was standing. I stood up and clenched my wrist at him in anger. "Tae please calm down, we can talk about it properly" her mom held me in my shoulder. 

"The street light wasn't really working good that time so the road was a bit dark. I did not know that she would cross the road. "  "Why? does your car have no headlights?" i said with anger. This doesn't make sense at all. 

The house was filled with silence in a few moments. "Ok, let's skip with that one.......All i wanted to know is that why didn't you tell me?" i hate it when someone tries to hide something from me, especially them. "Its because........because we don't want you to worry so much about her. We don't want to see you crying all night with worry." momo answered.

 They don't want me to worry? didn't they know that it even gets worse because i don't have any idea on what's going on, i look like a fool without anything to do. "And who's idea is this?" i asked again. "It's my idea no to tell you" i looked at her mother saying. 

"I only did that for the both of you. I know you love and care for her but i also don't want to bother you just bacause of her. You have your own life to live and i don't want her to bother you as long as we can manage to take care of her we'll do the best that we can. I appreciate you for loving my daughter but i guess it's too much if we needed your help all the time" she added, now i get it.

But would it be more fine if i help them to atleast lessen the problems they're facing? Cause once i love someone i would never let them get hurt so it's normal for me to worry about her because i love her. There's no time i didn't miss her smile, laugh, silly jokes, clumsiness and her in general.

We all went silent when.."Mr. Kim?" we turned our gaze towards her at the front door, holding a bag in her other hand. Just standing there with that unconscious face, looking at her from head to toe in her formal attire which she was wearing recently. I just realize that she looks more perfect in that kind of outfit with that matching cuteness in her eyes, And i didn't even realize it while she was at the office, maybe because i was too busy on things going on.

But looking at this kind of view, i can clearly see a beautiful woman standing infront of me.............

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