Wicked Little Town

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Chapter 2: Wicked Little Town

Theo stood nervously just out of view of the doorway. He hadn't come yet. Why hadn't he come yet? Feeling a bit panicked that he had just made a big and humiliating mistake, he sucked back his nerves and walked into view again.

Bronson hadn't moved.

Theo looked him right in the eye and, with all the confidence he could muster, said, "Seriously, Bronson, I'm not going to fucking wait in here forever."

And then he walked away again, sitting down on the bed and closing his eyes. He took several deep breaths, trying to listen to what was happening. Someone spoke, but it was so quiet that he couldn't hear who it was or what they said. Then he heard footsteps.

The door creaked before slamming shut. His eyes shot back open. He turned and saw Bronson standing there with his arms crossed. He stood.

"You certainly have interesting timing," said Bronson, not quite looking at him. He kept glancing and then looking away again.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly planning on doing this," Theo admitted.

Bronson's eye finally stopped darting around and settled on him. He bit his cheek. "You know I'm bloody pissed at you, right?"

Theo took a deep breath and said, "I do."

"I was on a date right now."

Theo chuckled softly. "Yeah, I saw that. I thought you liked men, not little, prissy boys."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is he not up to your standard?" Bronson mocked. "Because you're such a man, right? Flooding over with bloody testosterone! Why would I ever want a prissy boy when I can have the straight, manly, never-a-whiney-little-bitch Theo?"

Theo smirked. "Well, ouch."

Bronson smirked back. "I'm not making the first move, you know? I'm in the bloody bedroom. Your play."

"But I'm in the bedroom," said Theo. "Doesn't that make it your play?"

Bronson's smirk grew as he shook his head slowly. "I've already let you skip your turn several times now. This one's all you."

Theo shifted from foot to foot and glanced down at the floor. "All right."

He took a few steps forward. Then paused. A few more steps. A pause and a breath. Those last few steps. He was now staring at Bronson's socked feet. White socks, slightly unmatched. He didn't know why he liked that.

"You have two different socks on," he said mindlessly. Then, when he heard himself, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Bronson couldn't help it. He burst out laughing.

"Th'fuck you laughing at?" spat Theo, his head shooting up as he finally found the courage to look Bronson in the eye.

"You," said Bronson, with obvious adoration in his voice.

And that was all Theo needed. He leaned in and kissed him, partially to shut him up and partially because he truly wanted to. Bronson was a few inches taller than him so he had to stand on the balls of his feet, making him feel like a bloody woman. He must have grunted about this or something because Bronson chuckled into his mouth and leaned down so Theo could stand normally.

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