Part 1: Leaving The Wedding.

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Gerard's POV

Mikey and I stand outside of the church and throw rice at the couple leaving. They are really quite nice people and they are good to my brother and I. Kaitlin and Bob are good friends. I'm glad they have finally taken this step.
I hear Mikey sigh beside me and look over to him. The rest of the wedding party has left. We turn and walk towards the cemetery.
"How do I tell Alicia?"
I gaze over at my brother and raise an eyebrow.
"Tell Alicia what?" He looks around us and looks back at me, an eager grin on his face.
"I'm going to marry her!"
Now, don't get me wrong, I am proud of my brother, but I am also jealous of him and Bob. They have found amazing women to settle down and live their lives with. I have not been as lucky. Mikey better appreciate what he has. I turn on my heel and walk back to the church. I walk up the steps and into the building. "Dammit, Mikey. I love you, and I am proud of you. I think you should do it. Marry her!" I look around at the three people in the church, bustling around, cleaning up the wedding decorations. Two of them disappear into a back room, and the one left is turning the flower pots around. The floral decorations go from pristine and white to black and grim. I watch as the girl walks around, placing pamphlets on the pews. Once she walks into the back room, I pick one up and look at it. On the front, there's a picture of a young woman with black hair. Cursive script fills the spot above and below her picture. The lettering says, "Helena. So Long And Goodnight." I flip it over and glance at the back, noticing more cursive script. "She is never coming home." I set the pamphlet back down onto the pew seat and turn back to Mikey.
"What do you say that we go away for the weekend, Mikey. you can propose to Alicia when we get back. We could go visit our old friend Pete from college. I hear he's a doctor now."
Mikey pauses, seeming to actually process the information. He looks at me for a moment before nodding slowly. "Okay. Let's go. I could use the time off of work anyway. It'd be nice to see an old friend, too. It almost gets boring seeing the same people everyday. I think it'd be an amazing idea. Lets go, Gerard." I smile at my brother, nodding, and watch as the trio wheels out a coffin. I catch a glimpse of the woman inside and recognize her as the woman from the pamphlets. The three others walk back into a side room. I look around the church before a movement towards the front, near the alter, catches my eye. I look to see the young woman climbing out of her coffin. I feel my eyes bug and my jaw drops. The woman looks at me and Mikey and winks before taking off down the church aisle. I notice that she's wearing black ballet flats and a flowing black and red dress. Her eye makeup is dark and smudged and her black hair is tousled. She grins widely as she runs past Mikey and I. I turn to watch her run off. She spins as she runs down the aisle, before bursting out of the front doors. I look over at Mikey and he has a look of pure shock on his face.
"What on God's green earth did we just witness?"

~~~A/N~~~ Sooo my first part. this was fun. I will definitely continue to write this story and I will try to be consistent about my updates. I hope you enjoy. If you've seen the movie, rocky horror picture show, than you know what kind of weirdness that scene in it truly is. You also know about what is next. It should be fun to play this out. I'm trying to stick to the movie plot as much as possible,but there obviously has to be some tweaks. Hope you enjoy, and as always,



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