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RIAN O'SHEA felt eyes on her. No one told her that there were only 5 black people in forks. She was used to being the only black kid in class. But this was unexpected, when she came to america she thought there would be more black people. She sat in art class, trying to ignore the stares, and continue drawing.

The soft voice next to me spoke,"Hi, I'm Rosalie Hale you must be...."

Rosalie looked at Rian's school ID,"Rain"

"It's ree-un" Rian corrected. This was the first time she spoke all day.

Rosalie hummed,"Nice accent, is it Irish?"

Rian nodded with a small smile and blush. She found Rosalie extremely pretty.

She could tell she was a vampire. Her golden eyes and pale skin gave it away. And the fact that she barely blinked.

Rian's a fairy. Mother is a light fairy, father is a dark one. She had extraordinary gifts. Doesn't shrink to an inch. She has.... wings.
"Pretty bracelet" Rosalie observed. Rian thanked her before adjusting the chrysoprase bracelet. It helped suppress her dark fairy abilities. If she didn't have it on-her touch would be dangerous.

"You can sit with me at lunch, you've gotta meet my boyfriend"Rose said. Rian nodded. The two talked through the class period.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Emmet this is Rian, she just moved here from Ireland" Rosalie said. Emmet was so confused on why his girlfriend was so fascinated by Rian that he didn't notice that Rian wasn't even human. Her scent didn't bother them.

Rosalie walked Rian to lunch. A circle table by the window sat 3 more vampires, who Rian assumed to be Rosalie's siblings.

"Usually my brother Edward sits there but he didn't feel well today"Rosalie says. Rian sat in the seat next to the blonde boy and Rosalie.

'Are they twins?'

Rose introduced Rian,"Alice,Lyle, Jasper, this is Rian, she just moved here"

Rian gave an awkward wave.

Alice smiled brightly, "I've heard about you! How are you liking america so far"

"Not what I expected"Rian responded. Alice nodded her head, not wanting to pry. Jasper was processing Rian's presence. He couldn't help but stare.

"So... do you guys" Rian asked boldly.

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