Butler vampire levi x princess alpha werewolf reader pt2

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⚠️warning this chapter has attempted suicide in it,drugs,abuse,rape, and other things that can trigger people. So if you don't like that stuff then it's ok to skip this chapter⚠️

It is was a normal day for the vampire and the werewolf. With their kids running in arguing of who is better? The Prince vampire or the princess alpha werewolf. Y/n giggled then got out of bed. And put on a robe. and Levi groaned as he wanted his lover to stay and cuddle with her. But he knew that if she don't sort their kids drama out one would end up getting hurt physically and crying. Then the otter crying because it's sorry. And don't want to get into trouble.

"Oh come on you know your both equally the same best in your own ways. With D/n (daughter name) smarts. And leadership. And with S/n (son name) arts"

(For those wondering the son is 15 and the daughter is 15. (They are twins but the son is only 10 minutes earlier so he is technically the oldest).

They nod then they leave "wow that's the most obedient I saw them with you". "Yeah well I have been doing things you would say to them. "And being more harsh on them. As you do hard love". Levi smiled then got onto his knees then kneel over to Y/n then grab her arm and pull her towards him to give her a kiss. She smiled. "Aw is my amour feeling needy?"

"Mmn" was his short answer Y/n giggles. She then gets up "no come back..." he practically begged. "Aw your so cute when you want affection" he goes red so he looks away "what duties do you have today?" He ask whiles rubbing behind his head. "Oh the classic, of making people royal sirs or m'ams, meetings. And that pretty much it. Oh and making sure that my little vampire is happy and not feeling like I am not paying attention to him" she then gives. A little kiss on Levi's nose. He blushes a little whiles wrinkling his nose. She giggles then after when she's done getting dress she heads down to the thrown room.

~time skip~

Once Y/n got to the thrown room she saw her step mother who's very racists to the vampire race. "Karen..." she says with a hint of disgusted in her tone. "Y/n..." she says back also with a hint of disgusted. Karen then leaves. Whiles Y/n gets on with her royal business.

~time skip~

Whiles Y/n was in a royal meeting Karen walks to her with a photo of Levi with another girl. Who was in Y/n pack. Which was an Omega, Annie. And it looked like they were sharing a lil snog.(kiss) When Y/n saw it she couldn't believe what her eyes told her. "You can go and see for your self. My Queen".

She didn't want to believe what her step mother told and show her. As they both hated each other. With a passion. When her father remarried Y/n never turned up to the wedding. She didn't brought a dress nor a present. As she felt like if she did. It would be like disrespecting her mother. Who she truly loved. She also kept a little heart shape locket of her as a baby and her mother holding her so loving.

She went to the place the photo was taken and she wanted to believe it was a misunderstanding as there will be people who look similar to other people.  But to her unfortunately it was true. The photo was real.

She growls in hurt. Levi then turn around to see his lover crying in pain "wait-no! Mon amour! It's not what it looks like-i swear!!" He says whiles pushing Annie away "I would rather kiss a hobo foot  than Annie any day" he says whiles placing his hands on her arms. And as he did that she felt warm inside until...

"oh really that's not what you said to me last night...Daddy" she says 'daddy' in such a seductive tone. And as she said that Y/n pushing Levi off her and then kicks him to the ground and then grabs the ring then throws it to the ground "Your no longer my butler nor my lover. Your dead to me Levi! You hear me! Your dead to me Levi Ackerman!" She then runs away crying. "Wait!"— He was about to chase after her until Annie grab his hand "Tch why did you do that brat? I had a perfect life with her...now that's all gone!" He says as his fangs begin to show in anger. "Ahaha you really don't get it! Me and her step mother hates vampires! And I don't want a vampire telling me what to do! Have you ever heard such thing as a alpha vampire? No? Well because there's no such thing! So I have to get rid of her lover. Who cheated on her with a pack member and then bam vampire free." She says with a psycho grin on her face

Levi Ackerman X reader One shorts Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang