Dying in his arms tonight

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It was only a week before the final expeditions. And Levi and Y/n were dating each other secretly. As she was a cadet and he was a captain in his squad so people would think that she is getting special treatment and not that kind. Not in the bedroom. But with cleaning. Etc.

Levi had a terrible feeling in his stomach that something bad was going to happen. He didn't want Erwin to know but Erwin being Erwin knew that something was off with the short attractive man.

"What is it Levi?" He said curiously and concerned "it's nothing" he looked away as he picked up his cup of tea and drank it. "Levi... I know something is wrong... please just tell me. I am not asking as your commander.But as a friend. And you've told me in the past that you see me as a big brother. So as a big brother it's my job to make sure that my younger brother is ok". Levi then finally looks Erwin in the eye. "Tch. Fine... do you really want to know... here I will tell you. Put Y/n as close to me as possible. As...As she-...she's the only cadet I can stand."

Erwin smiles as he know that they are dating secretly but he goes along with Levi as he didn't want him to know that he knew too. "Ok Levi. As you can stand her and she can stand you I will make sure she's as close to you as possible. But she will have to be in the group with some weaker people. As even though she's a tough girl. She in fact have the same strength as Mikasa."

Levi nod. Even though he really wanted to just shout at Erwin and tell him 'no!' He knew it's better if he didn't say anything as this is their job and they knew that one day one of them may or may not die in battle.

~time skip~

It's now the day of the expedition. Levi made sure to head to Y/n room very early to may or may not have his last kiss and talk with her.

Levi knocked on her door at 6:54am. Levi didn't hear a response. But he didn't blame her as he knew she loved her sleep. And drawing their late nights talks. She told him that before the titans attacked Wall Maria. She told Levi that she would always go to bed late and walks up late. And we are talking about going to bed at 1-3am and waking up at 12-3pm.

He knocked again but no response. He then walked in closing the door quietly then walking over to his lover. She then eventually woke up startled "shh,shh it's ok. I didn't mean to startle you Amour". She then smile as Levi wrap his arms whiles saying that. She the wrap her arms back around him. She then starts to speak French to him. He then blushes up. "Hehe so why did you come in here baba? wait did I overslept!?". "No your good. It's just I have this unsettling feeling... and I want to come in here and spend time with you before the expedition which starts at 8:20am..." he says as he snuggles into the crook of her neck and says in a smoothing tone and she strokes his hair. He the looks up at his girlfriend and then kisses her softly but still passionately. (And they made it a lil bit French😏😉)

(FYI I use baba. As my mum says 'what's wrong baba' as parents have their pet names for their children. Like 'chap' 'tiger' 'buddy' etc. My mum has 'baba'. Also I had Y/n speak French because of me being a quarter French on my mother side. Anyways back to story)

~time skip~

They all were getting on their horses getting ready for the final expedition. They could hear children cheering for them. Whiles the adults poke fun at them. And insult them saying things like 'how many people do you think will die' and 'I bet they will lose everyone and will come back with only a few people 6 If their extremely lucky. But 3 at most" which angered Y/n "let it go Y/n. They aren't worth your breath." He says in a smoothing voice tone. She nod then look ahead. The doors then open then they run. Out to the fields.

They all spilt into their groups. Fighting the titans. They then see an abnormal "oh come on we haven't even got that far and this fucker comes?! Well fuck me!" Y/n shouts in anger. That her group couldn't help but laugh. She then look back at them with anger in her eyes. They then stop laughing as they knew she was stronger than all of them combined.

As they got far more in it beings to ran just like the 24th expedition. And when it began to rain heavier Levi got memories of the 24th expedition when his two underground childhood friends died. To a Titan. "Erwin we should tell everyone to go back. Just until the rain has stop." "No. We have to kill these suckers once and for all." Levi gets very mad at this stamens. But choose to just go along with it.

Little did he knew that was a terrible idea. As his lover will Parrish to a Titan. Not so different from the AOT no regrets.

"Man they really should make us hide in trees just until the rain goes right?! As it's so hard to see!" The people in her group nod

"yeah as I can't even see anyone- wait guys... where are you?!" (Group member)

"Hey this ain't funny guys stop fooling around!" (Group member)

"This ain't a game!"(y/n)

"Guys please where are you!"(y/n)


*then screams of horror*

"GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?!"y/n says in panic and a hint of terror. She then feels a strong grip wrap around behind her neck. Which then makes her breathing become hard. And trouble. She slowly look behind her to see Reiner with blood on his hands and face.

"GRAH GET OFF ME YOU UGLY!" Y/n scream in pain and stress. And Levi hears her he tries to get to her but comes a moment a but too late.

"No...n-n...NOT AGAIN NO!" He watches as Reiner stabs her multiple times in the heart.

Levi then sees Reiner and as he was distracted on his lover. He went to stab his nape. So he would be dead once and for all he then ended up cutting his head to be fully sure that he would he gone

He then fall to his knees crying he then grab Y/n body and her her close to his heart crying constantly. Once the storm went away everyone came to Levi with sadness in their eyes.

"Levi... I'm sorry..." Erwin says apologetic (FYI Erwin is alive in this AU) "Sorry not going to bring my lover back. But sure I accept your pathetic apology"

~time skip~

They all walk back this time people were cheering for them. And not saying bad things about them. As this time they know that all the titans shifters are gone and the titans. But they lost so many just for this day to happen so they were still grieving their comrades death. Especially Levi.

And that was the final expedition. They now know that they will be safe once and for all. Not living in fear.

(I hope I didn't made any of you cry. I know I cried whiles making this. And this might be the only one when Levi,Y/! Dies )

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