Zero •~• Broken

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Finally, the curse has been broken. After twenty-eight years, our favorite fairytale characters reunited with their loved ones and received their magical identities back. Grace found her father, Snow and Charming's true love returned, and Archie realized he missed being a free, small cricket.

Henry was relieved. Relieved that everyone was happy again, although they were still stuck in Storybrooke, at least they were all together in peace.

Well... Almost.

Regina acted stranger and stranger by the day. No one trusted her, that was clear, but the past few days, ever since magic was brought back by Rumplestiltskin, she started to terrorize the town.

It started with small things, more like pranks: she sabotaged Granny's food so her customers would have blue tongues and coated Mary Margaret's doorknob with clear glue.

They became worse every day. She managed to make Leroy trip so badly he broke his leg and sabotaged Jefferson's car. The brakes were ruined. He flipped over into some dumpsters. Luckily, David pulled him out.

After all that, Emma and her mother were sucked into Jefferson's hat and landed in the Enchanted Forest, where they stayed for several days. When they finally came back, followed by a flirty pirate nicknamed Hook, they discovered Regina got worse. She wrecked everything that entered her path without her approval and put some cold spell on anyone who bothered her.

Henry was worried about his mother. He entered Mary Margaret's. As he walked into the kitchen, Henry saw her bright smile. "Hi, Henry, " she greeted. He smiled and gladly sat down on a stool. "You're early, I thought you were going to the park with Paige?" she asked as she handed him a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks, " he said as he took a sip. "I was, but it wasn't easy to have fun when you know your mother is out there bothering your friends."

Mary Margaret nodded. "You're very worried, aren't you?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Of course, she's my mom, " he simply answered. "Do you have any idea of why she could be acting like this?"

She frowned. "Well... All that I could think of is that she might be falling back into her old behavior, " she theorized. Henry pouted and blinked unbelievingly. Mary Margaret's eyes widened when she noticed. "Or she could be under a little pressure, you know. With everyone constantly picking on her, and stuff."

Henry tinily smiled. "Thanks, uh... Can I call you Mary Margaret? I'm still getting used to the grandparents-thingy..." he asked her.

She smiled. "Whenever you're ready, Henry, " she answered him.

Something seemed to occur to Henry as his eyes slightly widened. "I think I forgot my watch at the park, " he told her as he got up.

Mary Margaret nodded. "Alright. Later, " she said as she watched her grandson leave. He waved and shut the door behind him.

Little did she know Henry had his watch in his pocket all this time. His destination? Gold's shop.

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