January 16, 2015

20 5 0

~Song for the chapter: Pretty Little Head by Eliza~

    Dear Journal,

       Today I was promised another extra five minutes since they made me come back in early yesterday.  I would end up missing half of my "class" though. Which was an added bonus.

      It was a little darker outside then usual. Turns out it was about to storm. I hate when it storms here because the Thunder echos off the walls and makes the worst sound possible. Hope it doesn't rain threw the night.

     Either way I got my full fifteen minutes outside and then was escorted to "class". To get to "class" you have to take a series of halls to the very back of the last building. A great work out! (She says sarcastically).

     Inside that room is one "teacher" and six "students" (including me). There is one chalkboard laying on the front grey wall behind a dusty black wood desk.

      As I opened the door fourteen eyes turned my direction.

    Now you are probably thinking, " Fourteen?  There should only be twelve eyes if you count the teacher. "

     That is where you're wrong.

     Sitting next to my usual seat was a new pair of eyes. Light blue eyes to be exact. Or at least one light blue eye, I couldn't see his other one because his brown bangs cast a shadow over half his face.

    The "teacher " then told me it was time to sit down. Of course I was a little nervous because of the new stranger  when I finally sat down the guy gave me a small smile, then he introduced himself as Josh.

     Josh. I like that name. Josh.

               Thanks for listening,


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