First Spanking

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Authors Note: Please be sure to let me know if you enjoy this, and I will probably write more. Again, if you do not like spanking stories, turn back now, you will not enjoy this. This is the first-ever spanking that Harry receives.

This occurs the summer after Harry's first year at Hogwarts. So he is 11, about to turn 12. He will have met Ron and Hermione already at school. Also, Harry is going to call Sirius "Dad" and Remus "Papa"

It was a full moon that night. And everyone in the house knew it. Remus, Sirius, and 11 year old Harry were sat down eating dinner for the night. The sunset was about an hour away, and Remus was about to head out to the shed in the backyard that he used for every transformation. A permanent silencing had been cast so that any noise inside was impossible to hear outside of it. Ever since the Wolfsbane potion became mass-produced and given to all werewolves who wanted them, his transformations hadn't been too bad. But he wouldn't risk it, not for Harry and Sirius's sake.

"Alright." Remus pushed himself up from the table. "I should get outside I guess. Harry?" He looked up at him. "Be good for your Dad."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I always am."

Sirius and Remus scoffed at the same time. Sirius reached over and ruffled Harry's hair.

Remus smiled and winked at Harry. "Love you guys."

"Love you." Sirius and Harry said at the same time.

Remus turned around, left through the back door and went to the shed. He began his usual locking procedures.

Sirius and Harry stood silent only for a moment. Sirius slung an arm around Harry's shoulder. "What do you wanna do tonight?

Harry considered quietly. "I honestly just want to play my Gameboy for the rest of the night. Can I?"

"I was thinking about reading a book tonight, so if you like I can read in the living room and you can play your game in there."

"Sounds good," Harry said. "I'll go grab my game from my room."

Sirius smiled and nodded, before sniffing the air. His face morphed into disgust. "Harry, you stink! I want you to shower and get in your pyjamas before you play your game."

"Come on Dad." Harry whined.

"No, go shower and change, and then you can play your game.

"Fineeeeeee." Harry stomped off to do what his Dad said.

After Harry had showered and changed, he started to look for his Gameboy. The problem was.... he couldn't find it anywhere. He looked everywhere in his room, everywhere upstairs, everywhere he could think of. He decided to enlist his Dad for help.

Harry walked into the living room, looking distraught. "Dad! I can't find my Gameboy anywhere!"

Sirius looked up. "Okay, calm down. Think back, where was the last place you were playing it? Retrace your footsteps."

Harry thought hard.

Oh! He had almost forgotten! Earlier, when he was playing his game, his Papa had come and asked him to help fix something in the shed. But where had he put his game? He had brought it with him! Oh no. That meant that his brand new Gameboy that he has gotten for Christmas was sitting on the counter in the shed and was potentially about to be destroyed by a werewolf. He had to go get it.

"Dad! It's in the shed. I brought it with me while I was helping Papa earlier and must have forgotten it there. We have to go get it! Papa could destroy it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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