Religion Rant

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Okay, So I know I may get a lot of hate on this. And Many people are religious So, If you are a religious and get defensive, just don't read this..


Okay, So for the people who don't care, or whatever you may be.

I will insult God if I want. I know it's not a good thing to do but I just hate religion.. I've grown up with God practically shoved down my throat, I never got answers that I needed to get answered, and That made me think for myself. It made me think into more. I even questioned the existence of God. Of course, my family believed in God, and I was TERRIFIED to ask them anything. It always turned into a huge giant lecture. The sermons never made sense to me, no matter how hard I tried to understand them, I couldn't I always over thought it.

When I came out of the closet (Early April 2014) I also came out as Atheist. My dad was outraged, He couldn't believe that he had an Atheist, Gay Daughter.He said it was just a phase,and that it all for attention..He would also read me bible scripture after bible scripture, and I still couldn't understand what they were trying to tell me about how great God was...Also I met Hannah, which is my current girlfriend when I came out, we lived beside each other and She helped me a lot. I would text her, and It always seemed better when I talked to her. 

I felt like no one could hurt my feelings. Of course, My dad tried to keep me away from her as much as possible. But it didn't work. I would always sneak out at night and hang out with her late at night. It wasn't for very long, but it was still worth it. 

Mnay people try and try  shoved God down my throat, and I will contuine to throw it up.. In teh damn faces, I will believe in God if I want to. and If I don't Then get over..

Sorry Not Sorry.....


I hatee religion, but I think I got my point across... :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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