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Still frozen in my skin... I inch toward the white soldier man. My head throbs my heart beats fast. As I get closer I realize the American soldiers outfits. A gas mask making hissing noises whenever they breath. Probably to protect them... from us.

I see some sort of small car like vehicle coming towards us. My vision crosses and rolls making my head throb more."I don't need your help she's my mother i'll take care of her." I yell loud enough for them to hear me.I hear faint yelling back but ears are ringing to the point where I can't make out anything.

I wobble back and forth oh what a fool I must look like wobbling back and forth like a drunken idiot. Something smacks me hard a hollow ring goes through my head I push whoever hit me away he had a hard solid rough texture. Not so much a he as a it. Just a tree thank god.

When I push the tree it sent me hard on my butt through it all of it my sisters voice makes it through and I hear her small faint voice echo through my head "never give up" I try to get up and realize my face is damp and sticky I fall back down flat on my back I look at my hand... Thick red liquid covers the tips of my pointer and middle finger, the blood is so thick it looks like a red blanket covering my fingers dripping down my hand like goo. My vision seeps back together catching my focus. I'm all ready half way up but my vision seems to pull me to the side my eyes are heavy. I have failed... and now I die.

I see a thin silhouette as it comes closer I see the perfect tan brown skin and thick curly brown hair that my dreams are made out of. The ghost comes closer I couldn't wait to look upon here face again. Joy spreads through me like warmth inside of the thick blanket me and my sister shared on cold nights. The smile spreads across my face more and more as she comes closer and closer... And then in one moment it all goes away.

More silhouettes form around it... My sister or whatever the hell it was. My smile turned to a scream in a matter of seconds they kind of scream the comes from deep inside your stomach the one that shakes the very earth beneath you even if your not the one making it. Which in this case I was...

What I thought was the darling angel of my sister and the rest of the silhouettes my family following closely behind it. Were in truth demons of the worst kind. The one that aren't what they appear... My sisters beautiful clear Brown skin without a imperfection to see and my mother grandma and aunt much like my sister in the real world were all green and flaky skinned and my sister and mother being the worst instead of my sister bright clear happy gray greenish eyes were black pits...No eyes just black pits. And my mother being the worst... charred black and gray skin pink colored wounds breaking through all the ash and burns but she still had eyes but instead of black pits they were rolled back pure white with pink veins stringing through them... she was the worst of all.

My sister leading the heard of demons that were my family one day a long time ago toward me she speaks out a string of words as if performing lines for a part on tv in a voice that shouldn't belong to her anymore. "Join us sister." I scream again... scared my thoughts scattered."Please." she sounded so calm as if begging for candy. "We could change you... you'll fit right in." My mother says in a calm voice making it seem like nothing. My young sister points at me nothing happens for a minute.

But then my skin turns like theirs starting at my toes... It feels numb. it might be nice here with my family. I stop screaming I let it reach my knees then my hip and stomach and chest. sure it's not perfect like I pictured it would be but it has my family that's all a I need... just my family.

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